Yong Li
Yong Li
Professor, Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University
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Cited by
A survey of millimeter wave communications (mmWave) for 5G: opportunities and challenges
Y Niu, Y Li, D Jin, L Su
Wireless Networks, 1-20, 2015
Vehicular fog computing: A viewpoint of vehicles as the infrastructures
X Hou, Y Li, M Chen, D Wu, D Jin, S Chen
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (6), 3860-3873, 2016
Deepmove: Predicting human mobility with attentional recurrent networks
J Feng, Y Li, C Zhang, F Sun, F Meng, A Guo, D Jin
Proceedings of the 2018 world wide web conference, 1459-1468, 2018
Graph neural networks for recommender systems: Challenges, methods, and directions
C Gao, Y Zheng, N Li, Y Li, Y Qin, J Piao, Y Quan, J Chang, D Jin, X He, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.12843 1, 46-58, 2021
Software-defined network function virtualization: A survey
Y Li, M Chen
IEEE Access 3, 2542-2553, 2015
Understanding mobile traffic patterns of large scale cellular towers in urban environment
H Wang, F Xu, Y Li, P Zhang, D Jin
IEEE/ACM transactions on networking (TON), 225-238, 2017
Dynamic Graph Convolutional Recurrent Network for Traffic Prediction: Benchmark and Solution
F Li, J Feng, H Yan, G Jin, D Jin, Y Li
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, 2023
Wearable 2.0: Enabling Human-Cloud Integration in Next Generation Healthcare Systems
M Chen, Y Ma, Y Li, D Wu, Y Zhang, CH Youn
IEEE Communications Magazine 55 (1), 54-61, 2017
Sequential Recommendation with Graph Neural Networks
J Chang, C Gao, Y Zheng, Y Hui, Y Niu, Y Song, D Jin, Y Li
Proceedings of the 44th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and …, 2021
Multi-behavior recommendation with graph convolutional networks
B Jin, C Gao, X He, D Jin, Y Li
Proceedings of the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and …, 2020
Security and Privacy in Device-to-Device (D2D) Communication: A Review
M Haus, M Waqas, AY Ding, Y Li, S Tarkoma, J Ott
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 19 (2), 1054-1079, 2017
Software-Defined and virtualized future mobile and wireless networks: a survey
M Yang, Y Li, D Jin, L Zeng, X Wu
Mobile Networks and Applications 20 (1), 4-18, 2014
Disentangling User Interest and Conformity for Recommendation with Causal Embedding
Y Zheng, C Gao, X Li, X He, Y Li, D Jin
Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021, 2980-2991, 2021
Multiple mobile data offloading through delay tolerant networks
Y Li, G Su, P Hui, D Jin, L Su, L Zeng
IEEE TMC, 43-48, 2013
DeepSTN+: Context-aware Spatial-Temporal Neural Network for Crowd Flow Prediction in Metropolis
Z Lin, J Feng, Z Lu, Y Li, D Jin
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 33, 1020-1027, 2019
On the computation offloading at ad hoc cloudlet: architecture and service modes
M Chen, Y Hao, Y Li, CF Lai, D Wu
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (6), 18-24, 2015
Big Data Driven Mobile Traffic Understanding and Forecasting: A Time Series Approach
F Xu, Y Lin, J Huang, D Wu, H Shi, J Song, Y Li
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 9 (5), 796-805, 2016
iDoctor: Personalized and professionalized medical recommendations based on hybrid matrix factorization
Y Zhang, M Chen, D Huang, D Wu, Y Li
Future Generation Computer Systems 66, 30-35, 2017
Learning phase competition for traffic signal control
G Zheng, Y Xiong, X Zang, J Feng, H Wei, H Zhang, Y Li, K Xu, Z Li
Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Information and …, 2019
Social-aware D2D communications: Qualitative insights and quantitative analysis
Y Li, T Wu, P Hui, D Jin, S Chen
IEEE Communications Magazine 52 (6), 150-158, 2014
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