Franz Tödtling
Franz Tödtling
Vienna University of Economcs and Business
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One size fits all?: Towards a differentiated regional innovation policy approach
F Tödtling, M Trippl
Research policy 34 (8), 1203-1219, 2005
Science–industry interaction in the process of innovation: the importance of boundary-crossing between systems
A Kaufmann, F Tödtling
Research policy 30 (5), 791-804, 2001
Do different types of innovation rely on specific kinds of knowledge interactions?
F Tödtling, P Lehner, A Kaufmann
Technovation 29 (1), 59-71, 2009
How effective is innovation support for SMEs? An analysis of the region of Upper Austria
A Kaufmann, F Tödtling
Technovation 22 (3), 147-159, 2002
Regional innovation policy for small+ medium enterprises
BT Asheim, A Isaksen, C Nauwelaers, F Tödtling
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2003
Innovation in knowledge intensive industries: The nature and geography of knowledge links
F Tödtling, P Lehner, M Trippl
European planning studies 14 (8), 1035-1058, 2006
Regional-und Stadtökonomik 2: Regionalentwicklung und Regionalpolitik
G Maier, F Tödtling, M Trippl
Springer, 2006
Knowledge sourcing beyond buzz and pipelines: evidence from the Vienna software sector
M Trippl, F Tödtling, L Lengauer
Economic geography 85 (4), 443-462, 2009
Innovation systems in regions of Europe—a comparative perspective
F Tödtling, A Kaufmann
European planning studies 7 (6), 699-717, 1999
Like phoenix from the ashes? The renewal of clusters in old industrial areas
F Tödtling, M Trippl
Clusters in Urban and Regional Development, 205-225, 2013
Regional-und Stadtökonomik: Standorttheorie und Raumstruktur
G Maier, F Tödtling, M Trippl
Springer, 1992
Systems of innovation in traditional industrial regions: the case of Styria in a comparative perspective
A Kaufmann, F Todtling
Regional studies 34 (1), 29-40, 2000
The role of the region for innovation activities of SMEs
F Tödtling, A Kaufmann
European urban and regional studies 8 (3), 203-215, 2001
Transformation of regional innovation systems: From old legacies to new development paths
F Tödtling, M Trippl
Re-framing regional development, 297-317, 2013
The uneven landscape of innovation poles local embeddedness and global networks
F Todtling
WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, 1992
Regional innovation policies for new path development–beyond neo-liberal and traditional systemic views
F Tödtling, M Trippl
European Planning Studies 26 (9), 1779-1795, 2018
Developing Biotechnology Clusters in Non‐high Technology Regions—The Case of Austria
M Trippl, F Tödtling
Industry and innovation 14 (1), 47-67, 2007
Regional differences in structural characteristics of start-ups
F Tödtling, H Wanzenböck
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 15 (4), 351-370, 2003
Innovation policies for regional structural change: Combining actor-based and system-based strategies
A Isaksen, F Tödtling, M Trippl
New avenues for regional innovation systems-theoretical advances, empirical …, 2018
Constructing regional advantage: Towards state-of-the-art regional innovation system policies in Europe?
BT Asheim, J Moodysson, F Tödtling
European Planning Studies 19 (7), 1133-1139, 2011
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