Radhakrishna Achanta
Radhakrishna Achanta
Senior Data Scientist at SDSC (
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SLIC superpixels compared to state-of-the-art superpixel methods
R Achanta, A Shaji, K Smith, A Lucchi, P Fua, S Süsstrunk
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 34 (11), 2274 …, 2012
Frequency-tuned salient region detection
R Achanta, S Hemami, F Estrada, S Susstrunk
2009 IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, 1597-1604, 2009
Salient region detection and segmentation
R Achanta, F Estrada, P Wils, S Süsstrunk
Computer Vision Systems: 6th International Conference, ICVS 2008 Santorini …, 2008
Superpixels and polygons using simple non-iterative clustering
R Achanta, S Susstrunk
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2017
Saliency detection using maximum symmetric surround
R Achanta, S Süsstrunk
2010 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2653-2656, 2010
Supervoxel-based segmentation of mitochondria in em image stacks with learned shape features
A Lucchi, K Smith, R Achanta, G Knott, P Fua
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 31 (2), 474-486, 2011
Saliency detection for content-aware image resizing
R Achanta, S Süsstrunk
2009 16th IEEE international conference on image processing (ICIP), 1005-1008, 2009
Single image reflection suppression
N Arvanitopoulos, R Achanta, S Susstrunk
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2017
A fully automated approach to segmentation of irregularly shaped cellular structures in EM images
A Lucchi, K Smith, R Achanta, V Lepetit, P Fua
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2010: 13th …, 2010
Deep feature factorization for concept discovery
E Collins, R Achanta, S Susstrunk
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 336-352, 2018
Comparison of crack segmentation using digital image correlation measurements and deep learning
A Rezaie, R Achanta, M Godio, K Beyer
Construction and Building Materials 261, 120474, 2020
Slic superpixels. Ecole Polytechnique Fédéral de Lausssanne (EPFL)
R Achanta, A Shaji, K Smith, A Lucchi, P Fua, S Süsstrunk
Tech. Rep 149300, 2010
Face recognition in real-world images
X Fontaine, R Achanta, S Süsstrunk
2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2017
Generating LOD3 building models from structure-from-motion and semantic segmentation
BG Pantoja-Rosero, R Achanta, M Kozinski, P Fua, F Perez-Cruz, K Beyer
Automation in Construction 141, 104430, 2022
Deep residual network for joint demosaicing and super-resolution
R Zhou, R Achanta, S Süsstrunk
arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.06573, 2018
Damage-augmented digital twins towards the automated inspection of buildings
BG Pantoja-Rosero, R Achanta, K Beyer
Automation in Construction 150, 104842, 2023
TOPO-Loss for continuity-preserving crack detection using deep learning
BG Pantoja-Rosero, D Oner, M Kozinski, R Achanta, P Fua, F Pérez-Cruz, ...
Construction and Building Materials 344, 128264, 2022
Modeling intent for home video repurposing
RSV Achanta, WQ Yan, MS Kankanhalli
IEEE MultiMedia 13 (1), 46-55, 2006
Compressed domain object tracking for automatic indexing of objects in MPEG home video
R Achanta, M Kankanhalli, P Mulhem
Proceedings. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo 2, 61-64, 2002
Extreme image completion
R Achanta, N Arvanitopoulos, S Süsstrunk
2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2017
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Articles 1–20