Zoltan K. Nagy
Zoltan K. Nagy
Professor of Process Systems Engineering, Loughborough University
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Real-time optimization and nonlinear model predictive control of processes governed by differential-algebraic equations
M Diehl, HG Bock, JP Schlöder, R Findeisen, Z Nagy, F Allgöwer
Journal of Process Control 12 (4), 577-585, 2002
Applying Kolb's experiential learning cycle for laboratory education
M Abdulwahed, ZK Nagy
Journal of engineering education 98 (3), 283-294, 2009
Nonlinear model predictive control: From theory to application
F Allgower, R Findeisen, ZK Nagy
Journal-Chinese Institute Of Chemical Engineers 35 (3), 299-316, 2004
Assessment of recent process analytical technology (PAT) trends: a multiauthor review
LL Simon, H Pataki, G Marosi, F Meemken, K Hungerbühler, A Baiker, ...
Organic Process Research & Development 19 (1), 3-62, 2015
First-principles and direct design approaches for the control of pharmaceutical crystallization
M Fujiwara, ZK Nagy, JW Chew, RD Braatz
Journal of Process Control 15 (5), 493-504, 2005
Advances and new directions in crystallization control
ZK Nagy, RD Braatz
Annual review of chemical and biomolecular engineering 3 (1), 55-75, 2012
Robust nonlinear model predictive control of batch processes
ZK Nagy, RD Braatz
AIChE Journal 49 (7), 1776-1786, 2003
Recent advances in the monitoring, modelling and control of crystallization systems
ZK Nagy, G Fevotte, H Kramer, LL Simon
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 91 (10), 1903-1922, 2013
The impact of direct nucleation control on crystal size distribution in pharmaceutical crystallization processes
MR Abu Bakar, ZK Nagy, AN Saleemi, CD Rielly
Crystal Growth and Design 9 (3), 1378-1384, 2009
Open-loop and closed-loop robust optimal control of batch processes using distributional and worst-case analysis
ZK Nagy, RD Braatz
Journal of process control 14 (4), 411-422, 2004
Model based control of a yeast fermentation bioreactor using optimally designed artificial neural networks
ZK Nagy
Chemical engineering journal 127 (1-3), 95-109, 2007
Modelling and control of combined cooling and antisolvent crystallization processes
ZK Nagy, M Fujiwara, RD Braatz
Journal of Process Control 18 (9), 856-864, 2008
Distributional uncertainty analysis using power series and polynomial chaos expansions
ZK Nagy, RD Braatz
Journal of Process Control 17 (3), 229-240, 2007
Model based robust control approach for batch crystallization product design
ZK Nagy
Computers & Chemical Engineering 33 (10), 1685-1691, 2009
Comparative performance of concentration and temperature controlled batch crystallizations
ZK Nagy, JW Chew, M Fujiwara, RD Braatz
Journal of Process Control 18 (3-4), 399-407, 2008
Modelling of mass transfer in gas–liquid stirred tanks agitated by Rushton turbine and CD-6 impeller: A scale-up study
J Gimbun, CD Rielly, ZK Nagy
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 87 (4), 437-451, 2009
Determination of the kinetic parameters for the crystallization of paracetamol from water using metastable zone width experiments
ZK Nagy, M Fujiwara, XY Woo, RD Braatz
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 47 (4), 1245-1252, 2008
A perspective on Quality-by-Control (QbC) in pharmaceutical continuous manufacturing
Q Su, S Ganesh, M Moreno, Y Bommireddy, M Gonzalez, GV Reklaitis, ...
Computers & Chemical Engineering 125, 216-231, 2019
The TriLab, a novel ICT based triple access mode laboratory education model
M Abdulwahed, ZK Nagy
Computers & Education 56 (1), 262-274, 2011
Pharmaceutical crystallisation processes from batch to continuous operation using MSMPR stages: Modelling, design, and control
Q Su, ZK Nagy, CD Rielly
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 89, 41-53, 2015
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Articles 1–20