Zach Wang
Zach Wang
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Capturing Complex Spatio-Temporal Relations among Facial Muscles for Facial Expression Recognition
Z Wang, S Wang, Q Ji
24th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2013
Capturing Global Semantic Relationships for Facial Action Unit Recognition
Z Wang, S Wang, Q Ji
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2013
Cross-subject workload classification with a hierarchical Bayes model
Z Wang, RM Hope, Z Wang, Q Ji, WD Gray
NeuroImage 59 (1), 64-69, 2012
Modeling temporal Interactions with Interval Temporal Bayesian Networks for complex activity recognition
Y Zhang, Y Zhang, E Swears, N Larios, Z Wang, Q Ji
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on 35 (10 …, 2013
Creep mitigation in composites using carbon nanotube additives
W Zhang, A Joshi, Z Wang, RS Kane, N Koratkar
Nanotechnology 18 (18), 185703, 2007
Classifier Learning with Hidden Information
Z Wang, Q Ji
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, IEEE Conference on, 2015
A generative restricted Boltzmann machine based method for high-dimensional motion data modeling
S Nie, Z Wang, Q Ji
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 136, 14-22, 2015
Multiple emotion tagging for multimedia data by exploiting high-order dependencies among emotions
S Wang, J Wang, Z Wang, Q Ji
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 17 (12), 2185-2197, 2015
Face and Eye Tracking using Facial Sensors within a Head-Mounted Display
D Katz, MJ Toksvig, Z Wang, TP Omernick, TR Herndon
US Patent US 2017/0352183 A1, 2017
A Hierarchical Probabilistic Model for Facial Feature Detection
Y Wu, Z Wang, Q Ji
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2014
An efficient face recognition algorithm based on robust principal component analysis
Z Wang, X Xie
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Internet Multimedia …, 2010
Syntactic pattern recognition: paradigm issues and open problems
M Flasiński
Handbook of pattern recognition and computer vision, 3-25, 2016
Learning with hidden information
Z Wang, X Wang, Q Ji
2014 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 238-243, 2014
Tracking portions of a user's face uncovered by a head mounted display worn by the user
D Katz, MJ Toksvig, Z Wang, TP Omernick, TR Herndon
US Patent 10,684,674, 2020
Workload classification across subjects using EEG
RM Hope, Z Wang, Z Wang, Q Ji, WD Gray
Proceedings of the human factors and ergonomics society annual meeting 55 (1 …, 2011
An EEG workload classifier for multiple subjects
Z Wang, RM Hope, Z Wang, Q Ji, WD Gray
2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2011
Learning with Hidden Information Using a Max-Margin Latent Variable Model
Z Wang, T Gao, J Qiang
22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1389-1394, 2014
Structured feature selection
T Gao, Z Wang, Q Ji
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 4256-4264, 2015
Facial Animation using Facial Sensors within a Head-Mounted Display
D Katz, MJ Toksvig, Z Wang, TP Omernick, TR Herndon
US Patent US 2017/0352178 A1, 2017
Face and eye tracking using facial sensors within a head-mounted display
D Katz, MJ Toksvig, Z Wang, TP Omernick, TR Herndon
US Patent US9959678B2, 2018
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