Pedro B. Tavares
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Cited by
Superparamagnetic MFe2O4 (M = Fe, Co, Mn) Nanoparticles: Tuning the Particle Size and Magnetic Properties through a Novel One-Step Coprecipitation Route
C Pereira, AM Pereira, C Fernandes, M Rocha, R Mendes, ...
Chemistry of Materials 24 (8), 1496-1504, 2012
Oxidation of CO, ethanol and toluene over TiO2 supported noble metal catalysts
VP Santos, SAC Carabineiro, PB Tavares, MFR Pereira, JJM Órfão, ...
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 99 (1-2), 198-205, 2010
Synthesis and thermodynamic stability of multiferroic BiFeO3
TT Carvalho, PB Tavares
Materials Letters 62 (24), 3984-3986, 2008
Characterization of corn cob as a possible raw building material
J Pinto, D Cruz, A Paiva, S Pereira, P Tavares, L Fernandes, H Varum
Construction and Building Materials 34, 28-33, 2012
Magnetocaloric effect in Er-and Eu-substituted ferromagnetic La-Sr manganites
JS Amaral, MS Reis, VS Amaral, TM Mendonca, JP Araujo, MA Sa, ...
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 290, 686-689, 2005
Corn's cob as a potential ecological thermal insulation material
J Pinto, A Paiva, H Varum, A Costa, D Cruz, S Pereira, L Fernandes, ...
Energy and buildings 43 (8), 1985-1990, 2011
Designing novel hybrid materials by one-pot co-condensation: from hydrophobic mesoporous silica nanoparticles to superamphiphobic cotton textiles
C Pereira, C Alves, A Monteiro, C Magén, AM Pereira, A Ibarra, MR Ibarra, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 3 (7), 2289-2299, 2011
Size and surface effects on the magnetic properties of NiO nanoparticles
MP Proenca, CT Sousa, AM Pereira, PB Tavares, J Ventura, M Vazquez, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13 (20), 9561-9567, 2011
Catalytic oxidation of toluene on Ce–Co and La–Co mixed oxides synthesized by exotemplating and evaporation methods
SAC Carabineiro, X Chen, M Konsolakis, AC Psarras, PB Tavares, ...
Catalysis Today 244, 161-171, 2015
Gold supported on metal oxides for volatile organic compounds total oxidation
SAC Carabineiro, X Chen, O Martynyuk, N Bogdanchikova, ...
Catalysis Today 244, 103-114, 2015
Spin-phonon coupling and magnetoelectric properties: versus
WS Ferreira, J Agostinho Moreira, A Almeida, MR Chaves, JP Araújo, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (5), 054303, 2009
Aging assessment of microplastics (LDPE, PET and uPVC) under urban environment stressors
MN Miranda, MJ Sampaio, PB Tavares, AMT Silva, MFR Pereira
Science of the Total Environment 796, 148914, 2021
Superparamagnetic γ-Fe 2 O 3@ SiO 2 nanoparticles: a novel support for the immobilization of [VO (acac) 2]
C Pereira, AM Pereira, P Quaresma, PB Tavares, E Pereira, JP Araújo, ...
Dalton Transactions 39 (11), 2842-2854, 2010
Evaluation of the catalytic activity of Pd–Ag alloys on ethanol oxidation and oxygen reduction reactions in alkaline medium
MC Oliveira, R Rego, LS Fernandes, PB Tavares
Journal of Power Sources 196 (15), 6092-6098, 2011
Metal-free graphene-based catalytic membrane for degradation of organic contaminants by persulfate activation
M Pedrosa, G Drazic, PB Tavares, JL Figueiredo, AMT Silva
Chemical Engineering Journal 369, 223-232, 2019
Photocatalytic production of hydrogen from methanol and saccharides using carbon nanotube-TiO2 catalysts
CG Silva, MJ Sampaio, RRN Marques, LA Ferreira, PB Tavares, ...
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 178, 82-90, 2015
Redox properties and VOC oxidation activity of Cu catalysts supported on Ce1− xSmxOδ mixed oxides
M Konsolakis, SAC Carabineiro, PB Tavares, JL Figueiredo
Journal of hazardous materials 261, 512-521, 2013
Effect of Mg, Ca, and Sr on CeO2 Based Catalysts for the Oxidative Coupling of Methane: Investigation on the Oxygen Species Responsible for Catalytic Performance
VJ Ferreira, P Tavares, JL Figueiredo, JL Faria
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 51 (32), 10535-10541, 2012
Magnetic entropy change of manganites
MS Reis, VS Amaral, JP Araújo, PB Tavares, AM Gomes, IS Oliveira
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (14), 144413, 2005
Selective photocatalytic oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde by using metal-loaded g-C3N4 photocatalysts
MJ Lima, PB Tavares, AMT Silva, CG Silva, JL Faria
Catalysis Today 287, 70-77, 2017
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Articles 1–20