Magnus Nordstrand
Magnus Nordstrand
formerly at KTH Speech, Music and Hearing/Centre for Speech Technology
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Measurements of articulatory variation in expressive speech for a set of Swedish vowels
M Nordstrand, G Svanfeldt, B Granström, D House
Speech Communication 44 (1-4), 187-196, 2004
Turn-taking gestures and hourglasses in a multi-modal dialogue system
J Edlund, M Nordstrand
Proc. IDS 2002, paper 31, 2002
The swedish PF-Star multimodal corpora
J Beskow, L Cerrato, B Granström, D House, M Nordstrand, G Svanfeldt
Proc. of LREC Workshop on Models of Human Behaviour for the Specification …, 2004
Expressive animated agents for affective dialogue systems
J Beskow, L Cerrato, B Granström, D House, M Nordenberg, ...
Affective Dialogue Systems: Tutorial and Research Workshop, ADS 2004 …, 2004
A model for multimodal dialogue system output applied to an animated talking head
J Beskow, J Edlund, M Nordstrand
Spoken Multimodal Human-Computer Dialogue in Mobile Environments, 93-113, 2005
Preliminary cross-cultural evaluation of expressiveness in synthetic faces
J Beskow, L Cerrato, P Cosi, E Costantini, M Nordstrand, F Pianesi, ...
Affective Dialogue Systems: Tutorial and Research Workshop, ADS 2004 …, 2004
Measurements of Articulatory Variation and Communicative Signals in Expressive Speech
M Nordstrand, G Svanfeldt, B Granström, D House
AVSP 2003-International Conference on Audio-Visual Speech Processing, 2003
GESOMA Model for Describing and generating Multi-modal Output
J Edlund, J Beskow, M Nordstrand
Proc of ISCA Workshop Multi-Modal Dialogue in Mobile Environments, 2002
Specification and realisation of multimodal output in dialogue systems
J Beskow, J Edlund, M Nordstrand
Seventh International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 2002
Measurements of articulatory variation in expressive speech
G Svanfeldt, M Nordstrand, B Granström, D House
Proc Fonetik, 53-56, 2003
Gestures for an interactive animated agent
M Nordstrand
Working papers/Lund University, Department of Linguistics and Phonetics 49 …, 2001
GESOM (Generic System Output Model)-a model for sescribing andgenerating multi-modal output}}
J Edlund, J Beskow, M Nordstrand
Proc. Multi-Modal Dialogue in Mobile Environments, 2002
Lund University, Dept. of Linguistics Working Papers 49 (2001), 128-131
M Nordstrand
Papers from Fonetik 2001 Held at Örenäs, May 30-June 1, 2001 49, 128, 2001
People at TMH
J Beskow, M Blomberg, L Cerrato, J Edlund, K Elenius, D Elenius, ...
Modal Dialogue System Output Applied to an Animated Talking Head. To appear in Minker, W., Bühler, D. and Dybkj r, T.(Eds) Spoken Multimodal Human-Computer Dialogue in Mobile …
J Beskow, J Edlund, M Nordstrand
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