Meredith Beechey
Meredith Beechey
Other namesMeredith Beechey Osterholm
Deputy Head of Economic Research, Reserve Bank of Australia
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Cited by
Are long-run inflation expectations anchored more firmly in the Euro area than in the United States?
MJ Beechey, BK Johannsen, AT Levin
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 3 (2), 104-129, 2011
The efficient market hypothesis: a survey
M Beechey, DWR Gruen, J Vickery
Reserve Bank of Australia, 2000
The high-frequency impact of news on long-term yields and forward rates: Is it real?
MJ Beechey, JH Wright
Journal of Monetary Economics 56 (4), 535-544, 2009
Equations| RDP 2000-05: A Small Model of the Australian Macroeconomy
M Beechey, N Bharucha, A Cagliarini, D Gruen, C Thompson
Reserve Bank of Australia Research Discussion Papers, 2000
Testing the expectations hypothesis when interest rates are near integrated
M Beechey, E Hjalmarsson, P Österholm
Journal of Banking & Finance 33 (5), 934-943, 2009
Revisiting the uncertain unit root in GDP and CPI: testing for non-linear trend reversion
M Beechey, P Österholm
Economics Letters 100 (2), 221-223, 2008
Time-varying inflation persistence in the Euro area
M Beechey, P Österholm
Economic Modelling 26 (2), 532-535, 2009
The efficient market hypothesis: a survey, Reserve Bank of Australia
M Beechey, D Gruen, J Vickery
Economic Research Department, 2000
The rise and fall of US inflation persistence
M Beechey, P Österholm
30th issue (September 2012) of the International Journal of Central Banking, 2018
The rise and fall of US inflation persistence
M Beechey, P Österholm
Working Paper, 2007
Forecasting inflation in an inflation-targeting regime: A role for informative steady-state priors
M Beechey, P Österholm
International Journal of Forecasting 26 (2), 248-264, 2010
A closer look at the sensitivity puzzle: The sensitivity of expected future short rates and term premia to macroeconomic news
MJ Beechey
FEDS Working Paper, 2007
Excess sensitivity and volatility of long interest rates: The role of limited information in bond markets
M Beechey
Sveriges Riksbank Working Paper Series, 2004
Policy interest-rate expectations in Sweden: a forecast evaluation
M Beechey, P Österholm
Applied economics letters 21 (14), 984-991, 2014
A Bayesian Vector Autoregressive Model with Informative Steady‐state Priors for the Australian Economy
M Beechey, P Österholm
Economic Record 84 (267), 449-465, 2008
Central bank forecasts of policy interest rates: An evaluation of the first years
M Beechey, P Österholm
Economic Notes: Review of Banking, Finance and Monetary Economics 43 (1), 63-78, 2014
Lowering the anchor: how the Bank of England's inflation-targeting policies have shaped inflation expectations and perceptions of inflation risk
MJ Beechey
Point versus band targets for inflation
M Beechey, P Österholm
Working Paper, 2018
Estimating the US trend short-term interest rate
M Beechey, P Österholm, A Poon
Finance Research Letters 55, 103913, 2023
The Predictions of the Efficient Market Hypothesis| RDP 2000-01: The Efficient Market Hypothesis: A Survey
M Beechey, D Gruen, J Vickery
Reserve Bank of Australia Research Discussion Papers, 2000
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