Andrea G Bravo
Andrea G Bravo
Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC) Barcelona
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Sources and remediation techniques for mercury contaminated soil
J Xu, AG Bravo, A Lagerkvist, S Bertilsson, R Sjöblom, J Kumpiene
Environment international 74, 42-53, 2015
Molecular composition of organic matter controls methylmercury formation in boreal lakes
AG Bravo, S Bouchet, J Tolu, E Björn, A Mateos-Rivera, S Bertilsson
Nature Communications 8 (1), 14255, 2017
Temperature effects explain continental scale distribution of cyanobacterial toxins
E Mantzouki, M Lürling, J Fastner, L de Senerpont Domis, E Wilk-Woźniak, ...
Toxins 10 (4), 156, 2018
Effects of a sewage treatment plant outlet pipe extension on the distribution of contaminants in the sediments of the Bay of Vidy, Lake Geneva, Switzerland
J Poté, L Haller, JL Loizeau, AG Bravo, V Sastre, W Wildi
Bioresource Technology 99 (15), 7122-7131, 2008
Influence of dissolved organic matter (DOM) characteristics on dissolved mercury (Hg) species composition in sediment porewater of lakes from southwest China
T Jiang, AG Bravo, U Skyllberg, E Björn, D Wang, H Yan, NW Green
Water Research 146, 146-158, 2018
Biotic formation of methylmercury: A bio–physico–chemical conundrum
AG Bravo, C Cosio
Limnology and Oceanography, 2020
Extremely elevated methyl mercury levels in water, sediment and organisms in a Romanian reservoir affected by release of mercury from a chlor-alkali plant
AG Bravo, C Cosio, D Amouroux, J Zopfi, PA Chevalley, JE Spangenberg, ...
Water research 49, 391-405, 2014
Role of settling particles on mercury methylation in the oxic water column of freshwater systems
E Gascón Díez, JL Loizeau, C Cosio, S Bouchet, T Adatte, D Amouroux, ...
Environmental science & technology 50 (21), 11672-11679, 2016
The importance of bioconcentration into the pelagic food web base for methylmercury biomagnification: A meta-analysis
P Wu, MJ Kainz, AG Bravo, S Åkerblom, L Sonesten, K Bishop
Science of the total Environment 646, 357-367, 2019
Geobacteraceae are important members of mercury-methylating microbial communities of sediments impacted by waste water releases
CC Andrea G. Bravo, Jakob Zopfi, Moritz Buck, Jingying Xu, Stefan Bertilsson ...
The ISME journal, 2018
Mercury cycling in freshwater systems-An updated conceptual model
BA Branfireun, C Cosio, AJ Poulain, G Riise, AG Bravo
Science of the Total Environment 745, 140906, 2020
Occupational human exposure to mercury in artisanal small-scale gold mining communities of Colombia
C Calao-Ramos, AG Bravo, R Paternina-Uribe, J Marrugo-Negrete, ...
Environment international 146, 106216, 2021
Mercury human exposure through fish consumption in a reservoir contaminated by a chlor-alkali plant: Babeni reservoir (Romania)
AG Bravo, JL Loizeau, S Bouchet, A Richard, JF Rubin, VG Ungureanu, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 17, 1422-1432, 2010
High methylmercury formation in ponds fueled by fresh humic and algal derived organic matter
S Herrero Ortega, N Catalán, E Björn, H Gröntoft, TG Hilmarsson, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 63, 44-53, 2018
The interplay between total mercury, methylmercury and dissolved organic matter in fluvial systems: A latitudinal study across Europe
AG Bravo, DN Kothawala, K Attermeyer, E Tessier, P Bodmer, ...
Water Research 144, 172-182, 2018
Mercury methylating microbial communities of boreal forest soils
J Xu, M Buck, K Eklöf, OO Ahmed, JK Schaefer, K Bishop, U Skyllberg, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 518, 2019
Methanogens and iron-reducing bacteria: the overlooked members of mercury-methylating microbial communities in boreal lakes
AG Bravo, S Peura, M Buck, O Ahmed, A Mateos-Rivera, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 84 (23), e01774-18, 2018
High methylmercury production under ferruginous conditions in sediments impacted by sewage treatment plant discharges
AG Bravo, S Bouchet, S Guédron, D Amouroux, J Dominik, J Zopfi
Water Research 80, 245-255, 2015
A European Multi Lake Survey dataset of environmental variables, phytoplankton pigments and cyanotoxins
E Mantzouki, J Campbell, E Van Loon, P Visser, I Konstantinou, ...
Scientific data 5 (1), 1-13, 2018
Mercury bioaccumulation in the aquatic plant Elodea nuttallii in the field and in microcosm: Accumulation in shoots from the water might involve copper transporters
N Regier, F Larras, AG Bravo, VG Ungureanu, D Amouroux, C Cosio
Chemosphere 90 (2), 595-602, 2013
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Articles 1–20