Liner Yang
Liner Yang
Associate Professor, Beijing Language and Culture University
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Cited by
A Sequence to Sequence Learning for Chinese Grammatical Error Correction
H Ren, L Yang, E Xun
NLPCC 2018, 2018
Joint POS Tagging and Dependence Parsing With Transition-Based Neural Networks
L Yang, M Zhang, Y Liu, M Sun, N Yu, G Fu
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 2018
Incorporating sememes into chinese definition modeling
L Yang, C Kong, Y Chen, Y Liu, Q Fan, E Yang
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 2020
Neural quality estimation with multiple hypotheses for grammatical error correction
Z Liu, X Yi, M Sun, L Yang, TS Chua
NAACL 2021, 2021
Controllable data synthesis method for grammatical error correction
L Yang, C Wang, Y Chen, Y Du, E Yang
Frontiers of Computer Science, 2022
Chinese grammatical error correction method based on transformer enhanced architecture
C Wang, L Yang, Y Wang, Y Du, E Yang
Journal of Chinese Information Processing 34 (6), 106-114, 2020
Improving Word Representations with Document Labels
L Yang, X Chen, Z Liu, M Sun
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 2017
Improved Learning of Chinese Word Embeddings with Semantic Knowledge
L Yang, M Sun
CCL 2015, 2015
Multitasking Framework for Unsupervised Simple Definition Generation
C Kong, Y Chen, H Zhang, L Yang, E Yang
ACL 2022, 2022
王辰成, 杨麟儿, 王莹莹, 杜永萍, 杨尔弘
中文信息学报, 2020
CTAP for Chinese: A linguistic Complexity Feature Automatic Calculation Platform
Y Cui, J Zhu, L Yang, X Fang, X Chen, Y Wang, E Yang
LREC 2022, 2022
A Novel Fast Framework for Topic Labeling Based on Similarity-preserved Hashing
XL Mao, YJ Hao, Q Zhou, WQ Yuan, L Yang, H Huang
COLING 2016, 2016
YACLC: A Chinese Learner Corpus with Multidimensional Annotation
MS Yingying Wang, Cunliang Kong, Liner Yang, Yijun Wang, Xiaorong Lu, Renfen ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.15043, 2021
Toward Cross-Lingual Definition Generation for Language Learners
C Kong, L Yang, T Zhang, Q Fan, Z Liu, Y Chen, E Yang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.05533, 2020
Neural Parse Combination
LE Yang, MS Sun, Y Cheng, JC Zhang, ZH Liu, HB Luan, Y Liu
Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2017
BLCU-ICALL at SemEval-2022 Task 1: Cross-Attention Multitasking Framework for Definition Modeling
C Kong, Y Wang, R Chong, L Yang, H Zhang, E Yang, Y Huang
NAACL 2022, 2022
PrEV: Preservation Explorer and Vault for Web 2.0 User-Generated Content
A Cui, L Yang, D Hou, MY Kan, Y Liu, M Zhang, S Ma
International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, 101-112, 2012
MCTS: A Multi-Reference Chinese Text Simplification Dataset
R Chong, L Lu, L Yang, J Nie, S Zhou, Y Li, E Yang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.02796, 2023
The BLCU System in the BEA 2019 Shared Task
L Yang, C Wang, T Liao, Y Erhong
BEA 2019, 2019
句式结构树库的自动构建研究 (Automatic Construction of Sentence Pattern Structure Treebank)
C Xie, Z Hu, L Yang, T Liao, E Yang
Proceedings of the 21st Chinese National Conference on Computational …, 2022
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Articles 1–20