Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)
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Mortality, fertility, and gender bias in India: A district-level analysis
M Murthi, AC Guio, J Dreze
Population and development review, 745-782, 1995
What can be learned from deprivation indicators in Europe
AC Guio
indicator subgroup of the Social Protection Committee 10, 2009
Measuring material deprivation in the EU: Indicators for the whole population and child-specific indicators
AC Guio, D Gordon, E Marlier
Eurostat methodologies and working papers, Publications Office of the …, 2012
Improving the measurement of material deprivation at the European Union level
AC Guio, E Marlier, D Gordon, E Fahmy, S Nandy, M Pomati
Journal of European social policy 26 (3), 219-333, 2016
Income poverty and material deprivation in European countries
A Fusco, AC Guio, E Marlier
In-work poverty: new commonly agreed indicators at the EU level
L Bardone, AC Guio
Eurostat, 2005
Material deprivation in the EU
AC Guio
Statistics in focus 21, 2005, 2005
Monitoring social inclusion in Europe
AB Atkinson, AC Guio, E Marlier
Publications Office of the European Union, 2017
A European Union approach to material deprivation using EU-SILC and Eurobarometer data
AC Guio, A Fusco, E Marlier
Poverty and social exclusion in the EU after Laeken-part 1
I Dennis, AC Guio
Statistics in focus 3 (8), 2003, 2003
Income poverty and social exclusion in the EU25
AC Guio
Statistics in focus: population and social conditions, 1-7, 2005
Characterising the income poor and the materially deprived in European countries
A Fusco, AC Guio, E Marlier
Income and living conditions in Europe, 133-153, 2010
Towards an EU measure of child deprivation
AC Guio, D Gordon, E Marlier, H Najera, M Pomati
Child indicators research 11, 835-860, 2018
Revising the EU material deprivation variables
AC Guio, D Gordon, H Najera, M Pomati
Luxembourg: European Union 10, 33408, 2017
Poverty and social exclusion in the EU
I Dennis, AC Guio
Statistics in focus 16 (2004), 12, 2004
Material deprivation in Europe: which expenditures are curtailed first?
J Deutsch, AC Guio, M Pomati, J Silber
Social Indicators Research 120, 723-740, 2015
Building a material deprivation index in a multinational context: lessons from the EU experience
A Fusco, AC Guio, E Marlier
Poverty and social exclusion around the Mediterranean Sea, 43-71, 2013
Putting the fight against poverty and social exclusion at the heart of the EU agenda: A contribution to the Mid-Term Review of the Europe 2020 Strategy
H Frazer, AC Guio, E Marlier, B Vanhercke, T Ward
OSE Research Paper 15, 2014
Alternative vs. current measures of material deprivation at EU level: What differences does it make?
AC Guio, E Marlier
Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) working paper series 29, 2013
The impact of social transfers on income poverty and material deprivation
G Notten, AC Guio
Decent incomes for all. Improving policies in Europe, 85-107, 2016
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