Lars Ulriksen
Lars Ulriksen
Professor, Science Education, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
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To choose or not to choose science: Constructions of desirable identities among young people considering a STEM higher education programme
HT Holmegaard, LM Madsen, L Ulriksen
International Journal of Science Education 36 (2), 186-215, 2014
What do we know about explanations for drop out/opt out among young people from STM higher education programmes?
L Ulriksen, LM Madsen, HT Holmegaard
Studies in science education 46 (2), 209-244, 2010
The process of choosing what to study: A longitudinal study of upper secondary students' identity work when choosing higher education
HT Holmegaard, LM Ulriksen, LM Madsen
Scandinavian Journal of educational research 58 (1), 21-40, 2014
The implied student
L Ulriksen
Studies in Higher Education 34 (5), 517-532, 2009
A journey of negotiation and belonging: understanding students’ transitions to science and engineering in higher education
HT Holmegaard, LM Madsen, L Ulriksen
Cultural Studies of Science Education 9, 755-786, 2014
Ungdom, identitet og uddannelse
K Illeris, N Katznelson, B Simonsen, L Ulriksen
Roskilde Universitetsforlag, 2002
Different, difficult, and local: A review of interdisciplinary teaching activities
K Lindvig, L Ulriksen
The Review of Higher Education 43 (2), 697-725, 2019
Where is the engineering I applied for? A longitudinal study of students' transition into higher education engineering, and their considerations of staying or leaving
HT Holmegaard, LM Madsen, L Ulriksen
European Journal of Engineering Education 41 (2), 154-171, 2016
In and out of the STEM pipeline–a longitudinal study of a misleading metaphor
E Lykkegaard, L Ulriksen
International Journal of Science Education 41 (12), 1600-1625, 2019
God undervisning på de videregående uddannelser: En forskningsbaseret brugsbog
L Ulriksen
Frydenlund, 2014
Making sense of curriculum—the transition into science and engineering university programmes
L Ulriksen, HT Holmegaard, LM Madsen
Higher Education 73, 423-440, 2017
A narrative approach to understand students’ identities and choices
HT Holmegaard, L Ulriksen, LM Madsen
Understanding student participation and choice in science and technology …, 2015
Choices and changes: Eccles’ expectancy-value model and upper-secondary school students’ longitudinal reflections about their choice of a STEM education
E Lykkegaard, L Ulriksen
International Journal of Science Education 38 (5), 701-724, 2016
Når gymnasiet er en fremmed verden: Eleverfaringer-social baggrund-fagligt udbytte
L Ulriksen, S Murning, AB Ebbensgaard
Samfundslitteratur, Narayana Press, 2009
Universitetsstudier i krise. Fag projekter og moderne studenter.
B Simonsen
Roskide Universitetsforlag, 1998
The first-year experience of non-traditional students in Danish science and engineering university programmes
L Ulriksen, LM Madsen, HT Holmegaard
European educational research journal 16 (1), 45-61, 2017
Why should European higher education care about the retention of non-traditional students?
HT Holmegaard, LM Madsen, L Ulriksen
European Educational Research Journal 16 (1), 3-11, 2017
Projektpædagogik: hvorfor det?
LM Ulriksen
Roskilde Universitet, 1997
Den implicitte studerende
LM Ulriksen
Dansk pædagogisk tidsskrift, 2004
Why students choose (not) to study engineering
HT Holmegaard, L Ulriksen, LM Madsen
Proc. of the Joint International IGIP-SEFI Annual Conference, 209-244, 2010
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Articles 1–20