Cynthia Donovan
Cynthia Donovan
Associate Professor, Michigan State University
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Issues of infrastructural development: a synthesis of the literature
R Ahmed, C Donovan
Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 1992
Realigning research and extension to focus on farmers’ constraints and opportunities
SS Snapp, MJ Blackie, C Donovan
Food policy 28 (4), 349-363, 2003
Food aid and food markets: lessons from Mozambique
D Tschirley, C Donovan, MT Weber
Food policy 21 (2), 189-209, 1996
A Cross-country analysis of household responses to adult mortality in rural sub-Saharan Africa:Implications for HIV/AIDS mitigationand rural development policies
D Mather, C Donovan, TS Jayne, M Weber, A Chapoto, E Mazhangara, ...
MSU International Development Working Papers 82, 2004
Market participation and sale of potatoes by smallholder farmers in the central highlands of Angola: A Double Hurdle approach
B Reyes, C Donovan, RH Bernsten, MK Maredia
Prime-age adult morbidity and mortality in rural Rwanda: Effects on household income, agricultural production, and food security strategies
C Donovan, L Bailey, E Mpyisi, MT Weber
Cassava commercialization in Southeastern Africa
S Haggblade, A Andersson Djurfeldt, D Banda Nyirenda, ...
Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies 2 (1), 4-40, 2012
Putting the 2007/2008 global food crisis in longer-term perspective: Trends in staple food affordability in urban Zambia and Kenya
NM Mason, TS Jayne, A Chapoto, C Donovan
Food Policy 36 (3), 350-367, 2011
Gaps and Opportunities for Agricultural Sector Development in Mozambique: Background and Recommendations to the Rockefeller Foundation
C Bias, C Donovan
Research Report, 2003
The 2008/09 Food Price and Food Security Situation in Eastern and Southern Africa: Implications for Immediate and Longer Run Responses.
TS Jayne, A Chapoto, IJ Minde, C Donovan
Food security in developing countries
JM Staatz, DH Boughton, C Donovan
Staff Paper 29 (03), 2009
Household level financial incentives to adoption of conservation agricultural technologies in Africa
S Haggblade, G Tembo, C Donovan
Priority setting for public-sector agricultural research in Mozambique with the National Agricultural Survey Data
TS Walker, R Pitoro, A Tomo, I Sitoe, C Salencia, R Mahanzule, ...
O Sector Agrário em Moçambique: Análise situacional, constrangimentos e oportunidades para o crescimento agrário
B Cunguara, J Garrett, C Donovan, C Cássimo
Michigan State University. IFPRI, Maputo. P 76, 2011
The impacts of prime-age adult mortality on rural household income, assets, and poverty in Mozambique
D Mather, C Donovan
Staple food prices in Mozambique
C Donovan, E Tostão
Household responses to prime age adult mortality in rural Mozambique: Implications for HIV/AIDS mitigation efforts and rural economic development policies
D Mather, C Donovan, MT Weber, HF de Marrule, A Alage
Emergency needs assessments and the impact of food aid on local markets
C Donovan, M McGlinchy, JM Staatz, DL Tschirley
Framework and initial analyses of fertilizer profitability in maize and cotton in Zambia
C Donovan, M Damaseke, J Govereh, D Simumba
Effects of monetized food aid on local maize prices in Mozambique
C Donovan
Michigan State University, 1996
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