Generating suggestions for queries in the long tail with an inverted index D Broccolo, L Marcon, FM Nardini, R Perego, F Silvestri Information Processing & Management 48 (2), 326-339, 2012 | 45 | 2012 |
Load-Sensitive Selective Pruning for Distributed Search D Broccolo, C Macdonald, S Orlando, I Ounis, R Perego, F Silvestri, ... CIKM 2013, 2013 | 22 | 2013 |
Incremental algorithms for effective and efficient query recommendation D Broccolo, O Frieder, FM Nardini, R Perego, F Silvestri International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval, 13-24, 2010 | 14 | 2010 |
An efficient algorithm to generate search shortcuts D Broccolo, L Marcon, FM Nardini, R Perego, F Silvestri Technical Report N./cnr. isti/2010-TR-017, CNR ISTI Pisa Italy, 2010 | 8 | 2010 |
Query processing in highly-loaded search engines D Broccolo, C Macdonald, S Orlando, I Ounis, R Perego, F Silvestri, ... String Processing and Information Retrieval: 20th International Symposium …, 2013 | 7 | 2013 |
Query log based techniques to improve the performance of a web search engine D Broccolo Università Ca'Foscari Venezia, 2014 | 2 | 2014 |
Refreshing Models to Provide Timely Query Recommendations D Broccolo, FM Nardini, R Perego, F Silvestri IIR 2010, 97, 2010 | | 2010 |
Studio e Comparazione di Algoritmi per Query Recommendation in Motori di Ricerca Web D BROCCOLO | | 2009 |
UNIVERSITA DI PISA DF Silvestri, FM Nardini, D Broccolo | | |