Salwinder Singh Dhaliwal
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Cited by
Dynamics and transformations of micronutrients in agricultural soils as influenced by organic matter build-up: A review
SS Dhaliwal, RK Naresh, A Mandal, R Singh, MK Dhaliwal
Environmental and Sustainability Indicators 1, 100007, 2019
Remediation techniques for removal of heavy metals from the soil contaminated through different sources: a review
SS Dhaliwal, J Singh, PK Taneja, A Mandal
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27 (2), 1319-1333, 2020
Vermicomposting of tannery sludge mixed with cattle dung into valuable manure using earthworm Eisenia fetida (Savigny)
AP Vig, J Singh, SH Wani, SS Dhaliwal
Bioresource technology 102 (17), 7941-7945, 2011
Evaluation of efficacy of ZnO nanoparticles as remedial zinc nanofertilizer for rice
R Bala, A Kalia, SS Dhaliwal
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 19, 379-389, 2019
Cocomposting with and without Eisenia fetida for conversion of toxic paper mill sludge to a soil conditioner
A Kaur, J Singh, AP Vig, SS Dhaliwal, PJ Rup
Bioresource technology 101 (21), 8192-8198, 2010
Long-term effect of integrated nutrient management of properties of Typic Ustochrept after 23 cycles of an irrigated rice (Oryza sativa L.)–wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) system
MK Walia, SS Walia, SS Dhaliwal
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 34 (7), 724-743, 2010
Biofortification—A frontier novel approach to enrich micronutrients in field crops to encounter the nutritional security
SS Dhaliwal, V Sharma, AK Shukla, V Verma, M Kaur, YS Shivay, S Nisar, ...
Molecules 27 (4), 1340, 2022
Impact assessment of metal contamination in surface water of Sutlej River (India) on human health risks
R Setia, SS Dhaliwal, V Kumar, R Singh, SS Kukal, B Pateriya
Environmental Pollution 265, 114907, 2020
Effect of manures and fertilizers on soil physical properties, build-up of macro and micronutrients and uptake in soil under different cropping systems: a review
SS Dhaliwal, RK Naresh, A Mandal, MK Walia, RK Gupta, R Singh, ...
Journal of Plant Nutrition 42 (20), 2873-2900, 2019
Variation in melon (Cucumis melo) landraces adapted to the humid tropics of southern India
M Fergany, B Kaur, AJ Monforte, M Pitrat, C Rys, H Lecoq, NPS Dhillon, ...
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 58, 225-243, 2011
Phytoavailability and human risk assessment of heavy metals in soils and food crops around Sutlej river, India
R Setia, SS Dhaliwal, R Singh, V Kumar, S Taneja, SS Kukal, B Pateriya
Chemosphere 263, 128321, 2021
Impact of agricultural management practices on soil carbon sequestration and its monitoring through simulation models and remote sensing techniques: A review
A Mandal, A Majumder, SS Dhaliwal, AS Toor, PK Mani, RK Naresh, ...
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 52 (1), 1-49, 2022
Effect of tillage and straw return on carbon footprints, soil organic carbon fractions and soil microbial community in different textured soils under rice–wheat rotation: a review
SS Dhaliwal, RK Naresh, RK Gupta, AS Panwar, NC Mahajan, R Singh, ...
Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology 19, 103-115, 2020
Soil Test Based Fertilizer Application Improves Productivity, Profitability and Nutrient Use Efficiency of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) under Direct Seeded Condition
VK Singh, P Gautam, G Nanda, SS Dhaliwal, B Pramanick, SS Meena, ...
Agronomy 11 (9), 1756, 2021
Agronomic biofortification of chickpea with zinc and iron through application of zinc and urea
V Pal, G Singh, SS Dhaliwal
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 50 (15), 1864-1877, 2019
Impact of micronutrients in mitigation of abiotic stresses in soils and plants—A progressive step toward crop security and nutritional quality
SS Dhaliwal, V Sharma, AK Shukla
Advances in Agronomy 173, 1-78, 2022
Comparative Efficiency of Mineral, Chelated and Nano Forms of Zinc and Iron for Improvement of Zinc and Iron in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) through …
SS Dhaliwal, V Sharma, AK Shukla, V Verma, SK Behera, P Singh, ...
Agronomy 11 (12), 2436, 2021
Effect of sewage sludge and rice straw compost on yield, micronutrient availability and soil quality under rice–wheat system
S Sharma, SS Dhaliwal
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 50 (16), 1943-1954, 2019
Land use change analysis for agricultural management—A case study of Tehsil Talwandi Sabo, Punjab
R Chaurasia, DC Loshali, SS Dhaliwal, Minakshi, PK Sharma, M Kudrat, ...
Journal of the Indian society of remote sensing 24, 115-123, 1996
Agronomic fortification of rice and wheat grains with zinc for nutritional security
H Ram, VS Sohu, I Cakmak, K Singh, GS Buttar, GPS Sodhi, HS Gill, ...
Current Science, 1171-1176, 2015
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Articles 1–20