André R. Koelewijn
André R. Koelewijn
Specialist R&D, Deltares
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Flood early warning system: sensors and internet
BE Pengel, VV Krzhizhanovskaya, NB Melnikova, GS Shirshov, ...
IAHS Red Book 357, 445-453, 2013
4-D imaging of seepage in earthen embankments with time-lapse inversion of self-potential data constrained by acoustic emissions localization
JB Rittgers, A Revil, T Planes, MA Mooney, AR Koelewijn
Geophysical Journal International 200 (2), 758-772, 2015
Hydraulic criteria for internal erosion in cohesionless soil
S Perzlmaier
Internal erosion of dams and their Foundations, 187-198, 2007
Failure of a trial embankment on peat in Booneschans, the Netherlands
C Zwanenburg, EJ Den Haan, GAM Kruse, AR Koelewijn
Géotechnique 62 (6), 479-490, 2012
Effectiveness of distributed temperature measurements for early detection of piping in river embankments
S Bersan, AR Koelewijn, P Simonini
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22 (2), 1491-1508, 2018
Uplift phenomenon: Model, validation, and design
MA Van, AR Koelewijn, FB Barends
International Journal of Geomechanics 5 (2), 98-106, 2005
Ijkdijk full scale underseepage erosion (piping) test: evaluation of innovative sensor technology
G De Vries, AR Koelewijn, V Hopman
Scour and erosion, 649-657, 2010
Full-scale testing of piping prevention measures: Three tests at the IJkdijk
AR Koelewijn, G De Vries, H Van Lottum, U Förster, VM Van Beek, ...
Proceedings of the physical modeling in geotechnics 2, 891-897, 2014
Multiple flow slide experiment in the Westerschelde Estuary, The Netherlands
D Mastbergen, G van den Ham, M Cartigny, A Koelewijn, M de Kleine, ...
Submarine Mass Movements and their Consequences: 7th International Symposium …, 2016
Field measurements of sand boil hydraulics
BA Robbins, IJ Stephens, VM Van Beek, AR Koelewijn, A Bezuijen
Géotechnique 70 (2), 153-160, 2020
Backward erosion monitored by spatial–temporal pore pressure changes during field experiments
ML Parekh, W Kanning, C Bocovich, MA Mooney, AR Koelewijn
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 142 (10), 04016050, 2016
Real‐Time Monitoring System and Advanced Characterization Technique for Civil Infrastructure Health Monitoring
V Bennett, T Abdoun, M Zeghal, A Koelewijn, M Barendse, R Dobry
Advances in Civil Engineering 2011 (1), 870383, 2011
Multi-scale experiments for a coarse sand barrier against backward erosion piping
E Rosenbrand, V van Beek, A Bezuijen, S Akrami, J Terwindt, A Koelewijn, ...
Géotechnique 72 (3), 216-226, 2022
Evaluation of full scale levee stability tests at booneschans and corresponding centrifuge tests
MA Van, C Zwanenburg, AR Koelewijn, H Van Lottum
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and …, 2009
Large-scale testing of distributed temperature sensing for early detection of piping
S Bersan, AR Koelewijn, M Putti, P Simonini
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 145 (9), 04019052, 2019
Piping phenomena in heterogeneous sands–experiments and simulations
VM Van Beek, A Koelewijn, G Kruse, JB Sellmeijer, F Barends
Proceedings of the 4th international conference on scour and erosion. Tokyo …, 2008
Design and implementation of geophysical monitoring and remote sensing during a full-scale embankment internal erosion test
MA Mooney, ML Parekh, B Lowry, J Rittgers, J Grasmick, AR Koelewijn, ...
Geo-Congress 2014: Geo-Characterization and Modeling for Sustainability, 202-211, 2014
The practical value of slope stability models
AR Koelewijn
Learned and applied soil mechanics out of Delft, 107-114, 2002
The development of an early warning system for dike failures
RJ Meijer, AR Koelewijn
1st International Conference and Exhibition on WATERSIDE SECURITY, 2008
Applicability of the fracture flow interface to the analysis of piping in granular material
S Bersan, C Jommi, A Koelewijn, P Simonini
Proc., COMSOL Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 23-25, 2013
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Articles 1–20