Laxmi Parida
Cited by
Cited by
Variant analysis of SARS-CoV-2 genomes
T Koyama, D Platt, L Parida
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 98 (7), 495, 2020
Liquid versus tissue biopsy for detecting acquired resistance and tumor heterogeneity in gastrointestinal cancers
AR Parikh, I Leshchiner, L Elagina, L Goyal, C Levovitz, G Siravegna, ...
Nature medicine 25 (9), 1415-1421, 2019
Malware phylogeny generation using permutations of code
ME Karim, A Walenstein, A Lakhotia, L Parida
Journal in Computer Virology 1 (1-2), 13-23, 2005
Neolithic mitochondrial haplogroup H genomes and the genetic origins of Europeans
P Brotherton, W Haak, J Templeton, G Brandt, J Soubrier, C Jane Adler, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 1764, 2013
The genome sequence of the most widely cultivated cacao type and its use to identify candidate genes regulating pod color
JC Motamayor, K Mockaitis, J Schmutz, N Haiminen, DL Iii, O Cornejo, ...
Genome biology 14, 1-25, 2013
Emergence of drift variants that may affect COVID-19 vaccine development and antibody treatment
T Koyama, D Weeraratne, JL Snowdon, L Parida
Pathogens 9 (5), 324, 2020
Junctions: Detection, classification, and reconstruction
L Parida, D Geiger, R Hummel
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 20 (7), 687-698, 1998
Geographic population structure analysis of worldwide human populations infers their biogeographical origins
E Elhaik, T Tatarinova, D Chebotarev, IS Piras, C Maria Calò, A De Montis, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 3513, 2014
The lipogenic regulator SREBP2 induces transferrin in circulating melanoma cells and suppresses ferroptosis
X Hong, W Roh, RJ Sullivan, KHK Wong, BS Wittner, H Guo, TD Dubash, ...
Cancer discovery 11 (3), 678-695, 2021
Distinct cellular dynamics associated with response to CAR-T therapy for refractory B cell lymphoma
NJ Haradhvala, MB Leick, K Maurer, SH Gohil, RC Larson, N Yao, ...
Nature medicine 28 (9), 1848-1859, 2022
Parallel genomic alterations of antigen and payload targets mediate polyclonal acquired clinical resistance to sacituzumab govitecan in triple-negative breast cancer
JT Coates, S Sun, I Leshchiner, N Thimmiah, EE Martin, D McLoughlin, ...
Cancer discovery 11 (10), 2436-2445, 2021
The emergence of pattern discovery techniques in computational biology
I Rigoutsos, A Floratos, L Parida, Y Gao, D Platt
Metabolic Engineering 2 (3), 159-177, 2000
Challenges in benchmarking metagenomic profilers
Z Sun, S Huang, M Zhang, Q Zhu, N Haiminen, AP Carrieri, ...
Nature methods 18 (6), 618-626, 2021
Human skin, oral, and gut microbiomes predict chronological age
S Huang, N Haiminen, AP Carrieri, R Hu, L Jiang, L Parida, B Russell, ...
Msystems 5 (1), 10.1128/msystems. 00630-19, 2020
Enhancing next‐generation sequencing‐guided cancer care through cognitive computing
NM Patel, VV Michelini, JM Snell, S Balu, AP Hoyle, JS Parker, ...
The oncologist 23 (2), 179-185, 2018
Paralog knockout profiling identifies DUSP4 and DUSP6 as a digenic dependence in MAPK pathway-driven cancers
T Ito, MJ Young, R Li, S Jain, A Wernitznig, JM Krill-Burger, CT Lemke, ...
Nature genetics 53 (12), 1664-1672, 2021
Molecular map of chronic lymphocytic leukemia and its impact on outcome
BA Knisbacher, Z Lin, CK Hahn, F Nadeu, M Duran-Ferrer, KE Stevenson, ...
Nature genetics 54 (11), 1664-1674, 2022
An updated tree of Y-chromosome Haplogroup O and revised phylogenetic positions of mutations P164 and PK4
S Yan, CC Wang, H Li, SL Li, L Jin
European Journal of Human Genetics 19 (9), 1013-1015, 2011
Standardized multi-omics of Earth’s microbiomes reveals microbial and metabolite diversity
JP Shaffer, LF Nothias, LR Thompson, JG Sanders, RA Salido, ...
Nature Microbiology 7 (12), 2128-2150, 2022
Pattern discovery on character sets and real-valued data: linear bound on irredundant motifs and an efficient polynomial time algorithm
L Parida, I Rigoutsos, A Floratos, D Platt, Y Gao
Proceedings of the eleventh annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms …, 2000
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Articles 1–20