Martina Eckert
Cited by
Cited by
A survey on underwater acoustic sensor network routing protocols
N Li, JF Martínez, JM Meneses Chaus, M Eckert
Sensors 16 (3), 414, 2016
Efficient forest fire detection index for application in unmanned aerial systems (UASs)
H Cruz, M Eckert, J Meneses, JF Martínez
Sensors 16 (6), 893, 2016
Context aware middleware architectures: Survey and challenges
X Li, M Eckert, JF Martinez, G Rubio
Sensors 15 (8), 20570-20607, 2015
Rate control and bit allocation for MPEG-4
JI Ronda, M Eckert, F Jaureguizar, N Garcia
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 9 (8), 1243-1258, 1999
An improved Otsu threshold segmentation method for underwater simultaneous localization and mapping-based navigation
X Yuan, JF Martínez, M Eckert, L López-Santidrián
Sensors 16 (7), 1148, 2016
New approaches to exciting exergame-experiences for people with motor function impairments
M Eckert, I Gómez-Martinho, J Meneses, JF Martínez
Sensors 17 (2), 354, 2017
AEKF-SLAM: A new algorithm for robotic underwater navigation
X Yuan, JF Martínez-Ortega, JAS Fernández, M Eckert
Sensors 17 (5), 1174, 2017
Use of virtual reality and videogames in the physiotherapy treatment of stroke patients: a pilot randomized controlled trial
FJ Peláez-Vélez, M Eckert, M Gacto-Sánchez, Á Martínez-Carrasco
International journal of environmental research and public health 20 (6), 4747, 2023
Intensity normalization of sidescan sonar imagery
MS Al-Rawi, A Galdrán, X Yuan, M Eckert, JF Martínez, F Elmgren, ...
2016 Sixth International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and …, 2016
Precise real-time detection of nonforested areas with UAVs
HO Cruz, M Eckert, JM Meneses, JF Martínez
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 55 (2), 632-644, 2016
Advanced rate control for MPEG-4 coders
JI Ronda, M Eckert, S Rieke, F Jaureguizar, A Pacheco
Visual Communications and Image Processing'98 3309, 383-394, 1998
The Blexer system–Adaptive full play therapeutic exergames with web-based supervision for people with motor dysfunctionalities
M Eckert, I Gomez-Martinho, C Esteban, Y Peláez, M Jiménez, ...
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Serious Games 5 (16), 2018
A modular middleware approach for exergaming
M Eckert, I Gómez-Martinho, J Meneses, JFM Ortega
2016 IEEE 6th International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Berlin (ICCE …, 2016
Evaluation of DWT and DCT for irregular mesh-based motion compensation in predictive video coding
M Eckert, D Ruiz, JI Ronda, F Jaureguizar, NN Garcia
Visual Communications and Image Processing 2000 4067, 447-456, 2000
Fast facial expression recognition for emotion awareness disposal
M Eckert, A Gil, D Zapatero, J Meneses, JFM Ortega
2016 IEEE 6th International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Berlin (ICCE …, 2016
Fast evaluation of segmentation quality with parallel computing
H Cruz, M Eckert, JM Meneses, JF Martínez
Scientific Programming 2017 (1), 5767521, 2017
MoKey-A motion based keyboard interpreter
M Eckert, M López, C Lázaro, J Meneses, JFM Ortega
2015 International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE), 1-2, 2015
Blexer-med: A Medical Web Platform for Administrating Full Play Therapeutic Exergames
M Eckert, M Jiménez, ML Martín-Ruiz, J Meneses, L Salgado
Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good: Third International …, 2018
Usage of VR headsets for rehabilitation exergames
M Eckert, J Zarco, J Meneses, JF Martínez
Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering: 5th International Work-Conference …, 2017
MoKey: a versatile exergame creator for everyday usage
M Eckert, M López, C Lázaro, J Meneses
Assistive Technology, 2019
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Articles 1–20