Enhanced cognitive walkthrough: Development of the cognitive walkthrough method to better predict, identify, and present usability problems LO Bligård, AL Osvalder Advances in Human‐Computer Interaction 2013 (1), 931698, 2013 | 128 | 2013 |
Exploring automated vehicle driving styles as a source of trust information F Ekman, M Johansson, LO Bligård, MA Karlsson, H Strömberg Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 65, 268-279, 2019 | 121 | 2019 |
Effects of the driving context on the usage of Automated Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)-Naturalistic Driving Study for ADAS evaluation J Orlovska, F Novakazi, B Lars-Ola, MA Karlsson, C Wickman, ... Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives 4, 100093, 2020 | 93 | 2020 |
Predictive use error analysis–Development of AEA, SHERPA and PHEA to better predict, identify and present use errors LO Bligård, AL Osvalder International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 44 (1), 153-170, 2014 | 48 | 2014 |
Utvecklingsprocessen ur ett människa-maskinperspektiv LO Bligård Chalmers University of Technology, 2011 | 37 | 2011 |
Involving users in a ship bridge re-design process using scenarios and mock-up models C Österman, C Berlin, LO Bligård International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 53, 236-244, 2016 | 34 | 2016 |
CCPE: methodology for a combined evaluation of cognitive and physical ergonomics in the interaction between human and machine LO Bligård, AL Osvalder Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries 24 (6 …, 2014 | 33 | 2014 |
Stepping over the threshold linking understanding and usage of Automated Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) F Novakazi, J Orlovska, LO Bligård, C Wickman Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives 8, 100252, 2020 | 32 | 2020 |
To develop viable human factors engineering methods for improved industrial use J Andersson, LO Bligård, AL Osvalder, MJ Rissanen, S Tripathi Design, User Experience, and Usability. Theory, Methods, Tools and Practice …, 2011 | 28 | 2011 |
An analytical approach for predicting and identifying use error and usability problem LO Bligård, AL Osvalder HCI and Usability for Medicine and Health Care: Third Symposium of the …, 2007 | 28 | 2007 |
Visualising safety: The potential for using sociotechnical systems models in prospective safety assessment and design L de Vries, LO Bligård Safety science 111, 80-93, 2019 | 26 | 2019 |
Prediction of medical device usability problems and use errors: an improved analytical methodical approach LO Bligård Chalmers University of Technology, 2007 | 22 | 2007 |
Trust in what? Exploring the interdependency between an automated vehicle’s driving style and traffic situations F Ekman, M Johansson, MA Karlsson, H Strömberg, LO Bligård Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 76, 59-71, 2021 | 21 | 2021 |
Using the TRL-methodology to design supporting ICT-tools for production operators Å Fast-Berglund, LO Bligård, M Åkerman, M Karlsson Procedia CIRP 17, 726-731, 2014 | 21 | 2014 |
An analytical ergonomic risk evaluation of body postures during daily cleaning tasks in horse stables L Löfqvist, AL Osvalder, LO Bligård, S Pinzke Work 51 (4), 667-682, 2015 | 19* | 2015 |
Utvecklingsprocessen ur ett människa-maskinperspektiv - ACD³ - procesen LO Bligård Göteborg, Chalmers tekniska högskola, 2015 | 18* | 2015 |
Predicting mismatches in user–artefact interaction LO Bligård Development of an analytical methodology to support design work (Doctoral …, 2012 | 18* | 2012 |
Supporting individual needs for intra-organisational knowledge sharing activities in pre-industry 4.0 SMEs D Li, D Paulin, Å Fast-Berglund, P Gullander, LO Bligård 15th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management …, 2018 | 15 | 2018 |
A future without drivers? Comparing users', urban planners' and developers' assumptions, hopes, and concerns about autonomous vehicles H Strömberg, ÉMS Ramos, MA Karlsson, M Johansson, F Ekman, ... European transport research review 13, 1-12, 2021 | 14 | 2021 |
Finding trends in human-automation interaction research in order to formulate a cognitive automation strategy for final assembly A Fast-Berglund, S Mattsson, LO Bligard International Journal of Advanced Robotics and Automation 1 (2), 1-7, 2016 | 14 | 2016 |