Joumana Boustany
Joumana Boustany
Université Gustave Eiffel
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Cited by
Academic reading format preferences and behaviors among university students worldwide: A comparative survey analysis
D Mizrachi, AM Salaz, S Kurbanoglu, J Boustany, ARFIS Research Group
PloS one 13 (5), e0197444, 2018
From green libraries to green information literacy
S Kurbanoğlu, J Boustany
Information Literacy. Lifelong Learning and Digital Citizenship in the 21st …, 2014
A multinational study on copyright literacy competencies of LIS professionals
T Todorova, T Trencheva, S Kurbanoğlu, G Doğan, A Horvat, J Boustany
Information Literacy. Lifelong Learning and Digital Citizenship in the 21st …, 2014
Information behaviors and information literacy skills of LIS students: an international perspective
L Saunders, S Kurbanoglu, J Boustany, G Dogan, P Becker, E Blumer, ...
Journal of education for library and information science 56 (s1), 80-99, 2015
Information professionals and copyright literacy: a multinational study
TY Todorova, S Kurbanoglu, J Boustany, G Dogan, L Saunders, A Horvat, ...
Library management 38 (6/7), 323-344, 2017
Research data management and data sharing behaviour of university researchers'
Y Unal, G Chowdhury, S Kurbanoğlu, J Boustany, G Walton
Information Research: an international electronic journal 24 (1), 2019
The academic reading format international study (ARFIS): Investigating students around the world
D Mizrachi, J Boustany, S Kurbanoğlu, G Doğan, T Todorova, P Vilar
Information Literacy: Key to an Inclusive Society: 4th European Conference …, 2016
Culture and competencies: A multi-country examination of reference service competencies
L Saunders, S Kurbanoglu, M Wilkins Jordan, J Boustany, B Chawner, ...
Libri 63 (1), 33-46, 2013
The Academic Reading Format International Study (ARFIS): Final results of a comparative survey analysis of 21,265 students in 33 countries
D Mizrachi, AM Salaz, S Kurbanoglu, J Boustany
Reference Services Review 49 (3/4), 250-266, 2021
Information literacy: Moving toward sustainability
S Kurbanoglu, J Boustany, S Spiranec, E Grassian, D Mizrachi, L Roy
Third European Conference, ECIL, 19-22, 2015
Copyright literacy of librarians in France
J Boustany
Information Literacy. Lifelong Learning and Digital Citizenship in the 21st …, 2014
Preparedness for research data sharing: a study of university researchers in three European countries
G Chowdhury, J Boustany, S Kurbanoğlu, Y Ünal, G Walton
Digital Libraries: Data, Information, and Knowledge for Digital Lives: 19th …, 2017
Accès et réutilisation des données publiques: État des lieux en France
J Boustany
Les Cahiers du numérique 9 (1), 21-37, 2013
Information practices for sustainability: Information, data and environmental literacy
G Chowdhury, G Walton, S Kurbanoğlu, Y Ünal, J Boustany
The Fourth European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL): Abstracts, 22, 2016
La médiation numérique: renouvellement et diversification des pratiques. Actes du colloque Document numérique et société, Zagreb 2013
J Boustany, E Broudoux, G Chartron
Conférence «Document numérique et société», 2013
Information literacy skills of students at Paris Descartes University
J Boustany
Worldwide Commonalities and Challenges in Information Literacy Research and …, 2013
La production des imprimés non-périodiques au Liban de 1733 à 1920: étude bibliométrique. 1997
Tese (Doutorado em Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication …, 1997
Copyright literacy of doctoral students in France
J Boustany, A Mahé
Information Literacy: Moving Toward Sustainability: Third European …, 2015
Données publiques: Accès et usages
J Boustany, JP Chamoux
Hermès and Lavoisier, 2013
Print vs. Electronic: What do French Students Prefer in Their Academic Reading Material?
J Boustany
The Third European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL) October 19-22 …, 2015
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Articles 1–20