Marco Cosimo Simeone
Marco Cosimo Simeone
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Genomic landscape of the global oak phylogeny
AL Hipp, PS Manos, M Hahn, M Avishai, C Bodénès, J Cavender‐Bares, ...
New Phytologist 226 (4), 1198-1212, 2020
The distribution of Quercus suber chloroplast haplotypes matches the palaeogeographical history of the western Mediterranean
D Magri, S Fineschi, R Bellarosa, A Buonamici, F Sebastiani, B Schirone, ...
Molecular Ecology 16 (24), 5259-5266, 2007
Prevalence of puroindoline grain hardness genotypes among historically significant North American spring and winter wheats
CF Morris, M Lillemo, MC Simeone, MJ Giroux, SL Babb, KK Kidwell
Crop Science 41 (1), 218-228, 2001
Prospects of barcoding the Italian wild dendroflora: oaks reveal severe limitations to tracking species identity
R Piredda, MC Simeone, M Attimonelli, R Bellarosa, B Schirone
Molecular ecology resources 11 (1), 72-83, 2011
Utility of ITS sequence data for phylogenetic reconstruction of Italian Quercus spp.
R Bellarosa, MC Simeone, A Papini, B Schirone
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 34 (2), 355-370, 2005
Application of plastid and nuclear markers to DNA barcoding of Euro-Mediterranean oaks (Quercus, Fagaceae): problems, prospects and phylogenetic implications
MC Simeone, R Piredda, A Papini, F Vessella, B Schirone
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 172 (4), 478-499, 2013
Plastome data reveal multiple geographic origins of Quercus Group Ilex
MC Simeone, GW Grimm, A Papini, F Vessella, S Cardoni, E Tordoni, ...
PeerJ 4, e1897, 2016
Transfer of Soft Kernel Texture from Triticum aestivum to Durum Wheat, Triticum turgidum ssp. durum
CF Morris, MC Simeone, GE King, D Lafiandra
Crop Science 51 (1), 114-122, 2011
Molecular characterization of a LMW-GS gene located on chromosome 1B and the development of primers specific for the Glu-B3 complex locus in durum wheat
R D’ovidio, M Simeone, S Masci, E Porceddu
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 95, 1119-1126, 1997
Validation of DNA barcoding as an efficient tool for taxon identification and detection of species diversity in Italian conifers
L Armenise, MC Simeone, R Piredda, B Schirone
European Journal of Forest Research 131, 1337-1353, 2012
Analysis of puroindoline a and b sequences from Triticum aestivum cv. `Penawawa' and related diploid taxa
M Lillemo, M Cosimo Simeone, CF Morris
Euphytica 126, 321-331, 2002
Combining molecular and fossil data to infer demographic history of Quercus cerris: insights on European eastern glacial refugia
F Bagnoli, Y Tsuda, S Fineschi, P Bruschi, D Magri, P Zhelev, L Paule, ...
Journal of Biogeography 43 (4), 679-690, 2016
Molecular characterization of new waxy mutants identified in bread and durum wheat
AM Monari, MC Simeone, M Urbano, B Margiotta, D Lafiandra
Theoretical and applied genetics 110, 1481-1489, 2005
Comparative systematics and phylogeography of Quercus Section Cerris in western Eurasia: inferences from plastid and nuclear DNA variation
MC Simeone, S Cardoni, R Piredda, F Imperatori, M Avishai, GW Grimm, ...
PeerJ 6, e5793, 2018
A tree species range in the face of climate change: cork oak as a study case for the Mediterranean biome
F Vessella, J López-Tirado, MC Simeone, B Schirone, PJ Hidalgo
European Journal of Forest Research 136, 555-569, 2017
Phylogeographic structuring of plastome diversity in Mediterranean oaks (Quercus Group Ilex, Fagaceae)
M Vitelli, F Vessella, S Cardoni, P Pollegioni, T Denk, GW Grimm, ...
Tree Genetics & Genomes 13, 1-17, 2017
Taxus baccata in the Azores: a relict form at risk of imminent extinction
B Schirone, RC Ferreira, F Vessella, A Schirone, R Piredda, MC Simeone
Biodiversity and Conservation 19 (6), 1547-1565, 2010
Nucleotide sequence of a γ-type glutenin gene from a durum wheat: correlation with a γ-type glutenin subunit from the same biotype.
R D'ovidio, M Simeone, S Masci, E Porceddu, DD Kasarda
Multi‐marker phylogeny of three evergreen oaks reveals vicariant patterns in the Western Mediterranean
UL de Heredia, P Jiménez, C Collada, MC Simeone, R Bellarosa, ...
Taxon 56 (4), 1209-1220, 2007
Quercus suber range dynamics by ecological niche modelling: from the Last Interglacial to present time
F Vessella, MC Simeone, B Schirone
Quaternary Science Reviews 119, 85-93, 2015
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Articles 1–20