Justin C Hulbert
Justin C Hulbert
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Interfering with theories of sleep and memory: sleep, declarative memory, and associative interference
JM Ellenbogen, JC Hulbert, R Stickgold, DF Dinges, SL Thompson-Schill
Current Biology 16 (13), 1290-1294, 2006
Does language guide event perception? Evidence from eye movements
A Papafragou, J Hulbert, J Trueswell
Cognition 108 (1), 155-184, 2008
Active forgetting: Adaptation of memory by prefrontal control
MC Anderson, JC Hulbert
annual review of psychology 72 (1), 1-36, 2021
Parallel regulation of memory and emotion supports the suppression of intrusive memories
P Gagnepain, J Hulbert, MC Anderson
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (27), 6423-6441, 2017
Adaptive top–down suppression of hippocampal activity and the purging of intrusive memories from consciousness
RG Benoit, JC Hulbert, E Huddleston, MC Anderson
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 27 (1), 96-111, 2015
The sleeping brain's influence on verbal memory: boosting resistance to interference
JM Ellenbogen, JC Hulbert, Y Jiang, R Stickgold
PLoS One 4 (1), e4117, 2009
Neural differentiation tracks improved recall of competing memories following interleaved study and retrieval practice
JC Hulbert, KA Norman
Cerebral Cortex 25 (10), 3994-4008, 2015
The many faces of forgetting: Toward a constructive view of forgetting in everyday life
JM Fawcett, JC Hulbert
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition 9 (1), 1-18, 2020
Inducing amnesia through systemic suppression
JC Hulbert, RN Henson, MC Anderson
Nature Communications 7 (1), 11003, 2016
Understanding words in context: the role of Broca's area in word comprehension
M Bedny, JC Hulbert, SL Thompson-Schill
Brain research 1146, 101-114, 2007
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger: Psychological trauma and its relationship to enhanced memory control.
JC Hulbert, MC Anderson
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 147 (12), 1931, 2018
Evidence against associative blocking as a cause of cue-independent retrieval-induced forgetting
JC Hulbert, G Shivde, MC Anderson
Experimental Psychology, 2012
A neural signature of contextually mediated intentional forgetting
JR Manning, JC Hulbert, J Williams, L Piloto, L Sahakyan, KA Norman
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 23 (5), 1534-1542, 2016
The role of inhibition in learning
JC Hulbert, MC Anderson
Advances in Psychology 139, 7-20, 2008
Do you chill when I chill? A cross-cultural study of strong emotional responses to music.
EJ Beier, P Janata, JC Hulbert, F Ferreira
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 16 (1), 74, 2022
Reductions in retrieval competition predict the benefit of repeated testing
NS Rafidi, JC Hulbert, PP Brooks, KA Norman
Scientific reports 8 (1), 11714, 2018
Task compliance predicts suppression-induced forgetting in a large sample
P Liu, JC Hulbert, W Yang, Y Guo, J Qiu, MC Anderson
Scientific reports 11 (1), 20166, 2021
Unintended side effects of a spotless mind: theory and practice
JC Hulbert, Z Hirschstein, CAL Brontė, E Broughton
Memory, 2017
Sleep, retrieval inhibition, and the resolving power of human memory
MD MacLeod, JC Hulbert
Successful remembering and successful forgetting, 151-170, 2011
Does retrieving a memory insulate it against memory inhibition? A retroactive interference study
JC Hulbert, MC Anderson
Memory 28 (3), 293-308, 2020
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Articles 1–20