Doris Lydahl
Cited by
Cited by
Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of person‐centred care in different healthcare contexts
L Moore, N Britten, D Lydahl, Ö Naldemirci, M Elam, A Wolf
Scandinavian journal of caring sciences 31 (4), 662-673, 2017
Elaboration of the Gothenburg model of person‐centred care
N Britten, L Moore, D Lydahl, O Naldemirci, M Elam, A Wolf
Health Expectations 20 (3), 407-418, 2017
The realities of partnership in person-centred care: a qualitative interview study with patients and professionals
A Wolf, L Moore, D Lydahl, Ö Naldemirci, M Elam, N Britten
BMJ open 7 (7), e016491, 2017
Deliberate and emergent strategies for implementing person-centred care: a qualitative interview study with researchers, professionals and patients
Ö Naldemirci, A Wolf, M Elam, D Lydahl, L Moore, N Britten
BMC health services research 17, 1-10, 2017
Tenacious assumptions of person-centred care? Exploring tensions and variations in practice
Ö Naldemirci, D Lydahl, N Britten, M Elam, L Moore, A Wolf
Health 22 (1), 54-71, 2018
Care in STS
L Lindén, D Lydahl
Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies, 3-12, 2021
Visible persons, invisible work?: Exploring articulation work in the implementation of person-centred care on a hospital ward
D Lydahl
Sociologisk forskning 54 (3), 163-179, 2017
Doing data together–affective relations and mobile ethnography in home visits
D Lydahl, S Holmberg, K Günther, J Ranta
Qualitative Research 21 (4), 515-530, 2021
Doing good: Autonomy in the margins of welfare
D Lydahl, C Hansen Löfstrand
Sociology of Health & Illness 42 (4), 892-906, 2020
Standard tools for non-standard care: The values and scripts of a person-centred assessment protocol
D Lydahl
Health 25 (1), 103-120, 2021
Observing and commenting on clients’ home environments in mobile support home visit interactions: Institutional gaze, normalization and face-work
K Juhila, S Holmberg, D Lydahl, C Hall
Housing, Theory and Society 39 (1), 82-97, 2022
Exploring documentation in Person‐centred care: A content analysis of care plans
D Lydahl, N Britten, A Wolf, Ö Naldemirci, H Lloyd, B Heckemann
International journal of older people nursing 17 (5), e12461, 2022
Engaging with hard‐to‐reach clients: Towards the last resort response by welfare workers
S Saario, C Hall, D Lydahl
Social Inclusion 9 (3), 265-275, 2021
Same and different? Perspectives on the introduction of person-centred care as standard healthcare
D Lydahl
Shadowing care workers when they’re ‘doing nothing’
D Lydahl
Doing Human Service Ethnography, 19-34, 2021
Careful engagements
D Lydahl, NCM Nickelsen
Nordic STS conference 2021, 2021
Patientenkät kommunal hälso-och sjukvård 2021. Resultat för elva av Göteborgsregionens kommuner
T Larsen, D Lydahl
Göteborgsregionen, FoU i Väst. https://goteborgsregionen. se/download/18.2 …, 2021
Good care and adverse effects: Exploring the use of social alarms in care for older people in Sweden
D Lydahl
Health 28 (4), 559-577, 2024
Ethical and methodological dilemmas in social science interventions: Careful engagements in healthcare, museums, design and beyond
D Lydahl, NCM Nickelsen
Springer, 2023
Hur personcentrerad är kommunal hälso-och sjukvård?
T Larsen, D Lydahl
Patienters och sjuksköterskors upplevelser. FoU i Väst, Göteborgsregionen, 2022
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Articles 1–20