Magnus Bygren
Magnus Bygren
Professor of Sociology, Stockholm University
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Cited by
Parents’ workplace situation and fathers’ parental leave use
M Bygren, AZ Duvander
Journal of marriage and family 68 (2), 363-372, 2006
Pay reference standards and pay satisfaction: what do workers evaluate their pay against?
M Bygren
Social Science Research 33 (2), 206-224, 2004
Ethnic environment during childhood and the educational attainment of immigrant children in Sweden
M Bygren, R Szulkin
Social Forces 88 (3), 1305-1329, 2010
Do employers prefer fathers? Evidence from a field experiment testing the gender by parenthood interaction effect on callbacks to job applications
M Bygren, A Erlandsson, M Gähler
European Sociological Review 33 (3), 337-348, 2017
Family formation and men's and women's attainment of workplace authority
M Bygren, M Gähler
Social forces 90 (3), 795-816, 2012
Unpacking the causes of segregation across workplaces
M Bygren
Acta Sociologica 56 (1), 3-19, 2013
Mechanisms of organizational sex segregation: Organizational characteristics and the sex of newly recruited employees
M Bygren, J Kumlin
Work and Occupations 32 (1), 39-65, 2005
Familj och arbete: vardagsliv i Förändring
M Bygren, M Gähler, M Nermo
SNS förl., 2004
School choice and school segregation: Lessons from Sweden’s school voucher system
M Brandén, M Bygren
Linköping University Electronic Press, 2018
Elements of uncertainty in life courses: Transitions to adulthood in Sweden
M Bygren, AZ Duvander, M Hultin
Globalization, uncertainty and youth in society, 135-155, 2006
Ability grouping’s effects on grades and the attainment of higher education: A natural experiment
M Bygren
Sociology of Education 89 (2), 118-136, 2016
Individual and contextual expressions of school demands and their relation to psychosomatic health a comparative study of students in France and Sweden
K Sonmark, E Godeau, L Augustine, M Bygren, B Modin
Child Indicators Research 9, 93-109, 2016
Biased grades? Changes in grading after a blinding of examinations reform
M Bygren
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 45 (2), 292-303, 2020
Being different in the workplace: Job mobility into other workplaces and shifts into unemployment
M Bygren
European Sociological Review 20 (3), 199-219, 2004
The opportunity structure of segregation: School choice and school segregation in Sweden
M Brandén, M Bygren
Acta Sociologica 65 (4), 420-438, 2022
Can the trailing spouse phenomenon be explained by employer recruitment choices?
M Brandén, M Bygren, M Gähler
Population, Space and Place 24 (6), e2141, 2018
’Ingen annan på jobbet har ju varit pappaledig...’Papporna, deras arbetsplatser och deras pappaledighetsuttag
M Bygren, AZ Duvander
Familj och Arbete: vardagsliv i förändring, 166-199, 2004
Does employer discrimination contribute to the subordinate labor market inclusion of individuals of a foreign background?
M Bursell, M Bygren, M Gähler
Social Science Research 98, 102582, 2021
The gender composition of workplaces and men's and women's turnover
M Bygren
European Sociological Review 26 (2), 193-202, 2010
The constant gap: Parenthood premiums in Sweden 1968–2010
M Bygren, M Gähler, C Magnusson
Social Forces 100 (1), 137-168, 2021
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Articles 1–20