Joaquim A G Silveira
Joaquim A G Silveira
Professor Plant Physiology, Federal University of Ceará, Brazil
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Photosynthetic gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and some associated metabolic changes in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) during water stress and recovery
JAGS R.P. Souza, E.C. Machado, J.A.B. Silva, A.M.M.A. Lagôa
Environmental and Experimental Botany 51 (1), 45–56, 2004
Superoxide dismutase, catalase and peroxidase activities do not confer protection against oxidative damage in salt‐stressed cowpea leaves
FR Cavalcanti, JTA Oliveira, AS Martins‐Miranda, RA Viégas, ...
New Phytologist 163 (3), 563-571, 2004
Proline accumulation and glutamine synthetase activity are increased by salt-induced proteolysis in cashew leaves
ARMJTO Silveira, JA, Viegas, IM Rocha da, AC Moreira
J. Plant Physiol 160, 115-123, 2003
Proline accumulation and glutamine synthetase are increased by salt-induced proteolysis in cashew leaves
JAG Silveira, RA Viégas, IMA Rocha, RMMJTAO ACO Monteiro M.
Journal of Plant Physiology 11, 21-28, 2002
Photosynthetic changes and protective mechanisms against oxidative damage subjected to isolated and combined drought and heat stresses in Jatropha curcas plants
EN Silva, SL Ferreira-Silva, A de Vasconcelos Fontenele, RV Ribeiro, ...
Journal of Plant Physiology 167 (14), 1157-1164, 2010
Salinity-induced effects on nitrogen assimilation related to growth in cowpea plants
JAG Silveira, ARB Melo, RA Viégas, JTA Oliveira
Environmental and experimental Botany 46 (2), 171-179, 2001
Roots and leaves display contrasting oxidative response during salt stress and recovery in cowpea
FR Cavalcanti, JPMS Lima, SL Ferreira-Silva, RA Viégas, JAG Silveira
Journal of plant physiology 164 (5), 591-600, 2007
Roots and leaves display contrasting osmotic adjustment mechanisms in response to NaCl-salinity in Atriplex nummularia
JAG Silveira, SAM Araújo, JPMS Lima, RA Viégas
Environmental and Experimental Botany 66 (1), 1-8, 2009
Comparative effects of salinity and water stress on photosynthesis, water relations and growth of Jatropha curcas plants
EN Silva, RV Ribeiro, SL Ferreira-Silva, RA Viégas, JAG Silveira
Journal of Arid Environments 74 (10), 1130-1137, 2010
Salt stress induced damages on the photosynthesis of physic nut young plants
EN Silva, RV Ribeiro, SL Ferreira-Silva, RA Viégas, JAG Silveira
Scientia Agricola 68, 62-68, 2011
The role of organic and inorganic solutes in the osmotic adjustment of drought-stressed Jatropha curcas plants
EN Silva, SL Ferreira-Silva, RA Viégas, JAG Silveira
Environmental and Experimental Botany 69 (3), 279-285, 2010
Role of peroxidases in the compensation of cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase knockdown in rice plants under abiotic stress
A Bonifacio, MO Martins, CW Ribeiro, AV Fontenele, FEL Carvalho, ...
Plant, cell & environment 34 (10), 1705-1722, 2011
Cytosolic APx knockdown indicates an ambiguous redox responses in rice
SB Rosa, A Caverzan, FK Teixeira, F Lazzarotto, JAG Silveira, ...
Phytochemistry 71 (5-6), 548-558, 2010
Superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase improve the recovery of photosynthesis in sugarcane plants subjected to water deficit and low substrate temperature
CRG Sales, RV Ribeiro, JAG Silveira, EC Machado, MO Martins, ...
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 73, 326-336, 2013
Involvement of ASR genes in aluminium tolerance mechanisms in rice
RA Arenhart, JC De Lima, M Pedron, FEL Carvalho, JAG Da Silveira, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 36 (1), 52-67, 2013
Mecanismos biomoleculares envolvidos com a resistência ao estresse salino em plantas
JAG Silveira, SLF Silva, EN Silva, RA Viégas
Manejo da salinidade na agricultura: estudos básicos e aplicados 1, 161-18, 2010
Changes in physiological indicators associated with salt tolerance in two contrasting cashew rootstocks
SL Ferreira-Silva, JAG Silveira, EL Voigt, LSP Soares, RA Viégas
Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology 20, 51-59, 2008
The knockdown of chloroplastic ascorbate peroxidases reveals its regulatory role in the photosynthesis and protection under photo-oxidative stress in rice
A Caverzan, A Bonifacio, FEL Carvalho, CMB Andrade, G Passaia, ...
Plant Science 214, 74-87, 2014
Exogenous ornithine is an effective precursor and the δ-ornithine amino transferase pathway contributes to proline accumulation under high N recycling in salt-stressed cashew …
IMA Da Rocha, VA Vitorello, JS Silva, SL Ferreira-Silva, RA Viégas, ...
Journal of Plant Physiology 169 (1), 41-49, 2012
Salinity tolerance of halophyte Atriplex nummularia L. grown under increasing NaCl levels
SAM de Araújo, JAG Silveira, TD Almeida, I Rocha, DL Morais, RA Viégas
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental 10, 848-854, 2006
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Articles 1–20