Joana Portugal-Pereira
Cited by
Cited by
Mitigation pathways compatible with 1.5 C in the context of sustainable development
J Rogelj, D Shindell, K Jiang, S Fifita, P Forster, V Ginzburg, C Handa, ...
Global warming of 1.5 C, 93-174, 2018
Climate Change and Land: an IPCC special report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in …
PR Shukla, J Skeg, EC Buendia, V Masson-Delmotte, HO Pörtner, ...
Strengthening and implementing the global response
H de Coninck, A Revi, M Babiker, P Bertoldi, M Buckeridge, A Cartwright, ...
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2018
Climate change responses benefit from a global food system approach
C Rosenzweig, C Mbow, LG Barioni, TG Benton, M Herrero, ...
Nature Food 1, 94-97, 2020
Summary for policymakers
AR Shukla, J Skea, A Reisinger, R Slade, R Fradera, M Pathak, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2022
Agricultural and agro-industrial residues-to-energy: Techno-economic and environmental assessment in Brazil
J Portugal-Pereira, R Soria, R Rathmann, R Schaeffer, A Szklo
Biomass and Bioenergy 81, 521–533, 2015
100% renewable energy system in Japan: Smoothening and ancillary services
M Esteban, J Portugal-Pereira, BC Mclellan, J Bricker, H Farzaneh, ...
Applied energy 224, 698-707, 2018
AR6 scenarios database
E Byers, V Krey, E Kriegler, K Riahi, R Schaeffer, J Kikstra, R Lamboll, ...
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2022
Technical summary
PR Shukla, J Skea, R Slade, R Diemen, E Haughey, J Malley, M Pathak, ...
The effect of biofuel production on greenhouse gas emission reductions
K Hanaki, J Portugal-Pereira
Biofuels and sustainability: holistic perspectives for policy-making, 53-71, 2018
Bioenergy production and sustainable development: science base for policymaking remains limited
C Robledo‐Abad, HJ Althaus, G Berndes, S Bolwig, E Corbera, ...
Gcb Bioenergy 9 (3), 541-556, 2017
Post-disaster resilience of a 100% renewable energy system in Japan
M Esteban, J Portugal-Pereira
Energy 68, 756-764, 2014
Summary for policymakers
A Arneth, H Barbosa, TG Benton, K Calvin, E Calvo, S Connors, A Cowie, ...
Implications of paradigm shift in Japan’s electricity security of supply: A multi-dimensional indicator assessment
J Portugal-Pereira, M Esteban
Applied Energy 123, 424-434, 2014
Ipcc fifth assessment report—synthesis report
A Ipcc
IPPC Rome, Italy, 2014
Hybrid concentrated solar power (CSP)–biomass plants in a semiarid region: A strategy for CSP deployment in Brazil
R Soria, J Portugal-Pereira, A Szklo, R Milani, R Schaeffer
Energy Policy 86, 57-72, 2015
Strategies towards a more sustainable aviation: A systematic review
F Afonso, M Sohst, CMA Diogo, SS Rodrigues, A Ferreira, I Ribeiro, ...
Progress in Aerospace Sciences 137, 100878, 2023
Bioenergy for climate change mitigation: Scale and sustainability
K Calvin, A Cowie, G Berndes, A Arneth, F Cherubini, J Portugal‐Pereira, ...
GCB Bioenergy 13 (9), 1346-1371, 2021
Scenarios for the future Brazilian power sector based on a multi-criteria assessment
MJ Santos, P Ferreira, M Araújo, J Portugal-Pereira, AFP Lucena, ...
Journal of cleaner production 167, 938-950, 2017
Credibility gap in net-zero climate targets leaves world at high risk
J Rogelj, T Fransen, MGJ den Elzen, RD Lamboll, C Schumer, ...
Science 380 (6649), 1014-1016, 2023
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Articles 1–20