Shin-Kun Peng
Shin-Kun Peng
Distinguished Research Fellow, Academia Sinica
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Production externalities and urban configuration
M Berliant, SK Peng, P Wang
Journal of Economic Theory 104 (2), 275-303, 2002
Cooperation vs. competition in a spatial model
C Mai, S Peng
Regional science and urban economics 29 (4), 463-472, 1999
Understanding consumption behavior: Evidence from consumers' reaction to shopping vouchers
K Kan, SK Peng, P Wang
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 9 (1), 137-153, 2017
Welfare analysis of the number and locations of local public facilities
M Berliant, SK Peng, P Wang
Regional Science and Urban Economics 36 (2), 207-226, 2006
International intellectual property rights: Effects on growth, welfare and income inequality
AC Chu, SK Peng
Journal of Macroeconomics 33 (2), 276-287, 2011
Economic integration and agglomeration in a middle product economy
SK Peng, JF Thisse, P Wang
Journal of Economic Theory 131 (1), 1-25, 2006
Spatial competition in variety and number of stores
SK Peng, T Tabuchi
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 16 (1), 227-250, 2007
Taxing pollution: agglomeration and welfare consequences
M Berliant, SK Peng, P Wang
Economic Theory 55, 665-704, 2014
a Normative Analysis of Housing‐Related Tax Policy in a General Equilibrium Model of Housing Quality and Prices
SK Peng, P Wang
Journal of Public Economic Theory 11 (5), 667-696, 2009
Sorting by foot:‘travel‐for’local public goods and equilibrium stratification
SK Peng, P Wang
Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique 38 (4), 1224-1252, 2005
Price competition and quality differentiation with multiproduct firms
YL Cheng, SK Peng
Journal of Economics 112, 207-223, 2014
Quality and quantity competition in a multiproduct duopoly
YL Cheng, SK Peng
Southern Economic Journal 79 (1), 180-202, 2012
The spillover effects of R&D on manufacturing industry in Taiwan’s metropolitan areas
HL Liu, HY Lin, SK Peng
The Annals of regional science 45, 519-546, 2010
Intergenerational human capital evolution, local public good preferences, and stratification
BL Chen, SK Peng, P Wang
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 33 (3), 745-757, 2009
Economic geography with tariff competition
CC Mai, SK Peng, T Tabuchi
Regional Science and Urban Economics 38 (5), 478-486, 2008
Multiproduct duopoly with vertical differentiation
YL Cheng, SK Peng, T Tabuchi
The BE Journal of Theoretical Economics 11 (1), 0000102202193517041800, 2011
Rural-urban migration with remittances and welfare analysis
LW Hung, SK Peng
Regional Science and Urban Economics 91, 103629, 2021
Adoption of a Product Innovation in the Presence of Vertical Product Differentiation
S Shieh, SK Peng
TAIWAN ECONOMIC REVIEW 28 (4), 471-493, 2000
Bottom-up approach for downscaling CO2 emissions in Taiwan: robustness analysis and policy implications
TC Lee, SK Peng, CT Yeh, CY Tseng
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 61 (4), 656-676, 2018
Intermediate Goods Trade, Technology Choice and Productivity
SK Peng, RG Riezman, P Wang
CESifo Working Paper Series, 2015
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Articles 1–20