Michael Strelets, М.Х. Стрелец
Michael Strelets, М.Х. Стрелец
Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU)
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Comments on the feasibility of LES for wings, and on a hybrid RANS/LES approach. 1 st AFOESR Int. Conf. On DNS/LES,(1997), Ruston, LA
PR Spalart, WH Jou, M Strelets, SR Allmaras
Advances in DES/LES, C. Liu & Z. Liu Eds., Greyden Press, Columbus, OH, 0
A new version of detached-eddy simulation, resistant to ambiguous grid densities
PR Spalart, S Deck, ML Shur, KD Squires, MK Strelets, A Travin
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 20 (3), 181-195, 2006
A hybrid RANS-LES approach with delayed-DES and wall-modelled LES capabilities
ML Shur, PR Spalart, MK Strelets, AK Travin
International journal of heat and fluid flow 29 (6), 1638-1649, 2008
Detached eddy simulation of massively separated flows
M Strelets
American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics, 2001
Detached-eddy simulations past a circular cylinder
A Travin, M Shur, M Strelets, P Spalart
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 63 (1), 293-313, 2000
Detached-eddy simulation of an airfoil at high angle of attack
M Shur, PR Spalart, M Strelets, A Travin
Engineering turbulence modelling and experiments 4, 669-678, 1999
Turbulence modeling in rotating and curved channels: Assessing the Spalart-Shur correction
ML Shur, MK Strelets, AK Travin, PR Spalart
AIAA journal 38 (5), 784-792, 2000
Physical and numerical upgrades in the detached-eddy simulation of complex turbulent flows. Euromech Coll. 412
A Travin, M Shur, M Strelets, PR Spalart
Kluwer, Dordrecht, NL, 2000
Noise prediction for increasingly complex jets. Part I: Methods and tests
ML Shur, PR Spalart, MK Strelets
International journal of aeroacoustics 4 (3), 213-245, 2005
Внутренние течения газовых смесей
ЮВ Лапин
Наука. Гл. ред. физ.-мат. лит., 1989
Mechanisms of transition and heat transfer in a separation bubble
PR Spalart, MK Strelets
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 403, 329-349, 2000
Моделирование турбулентности в расчетах сложных течений
АВ Гарбарук, МХ Стрелец, МЛ Шур
Санкт-Петербург, Издательство Политехнического университета, 2012
Synthetic turbulence generators for RANS-LES interfaces in zonal simulations of aerodynamic and aeroacoustic problems
ML Shur, PR Spalart, MK Strelets, AK Travin
Flow, turbulence and combustion 93, 63-92, 2014
An enhanced version of DES with rapid transition from RANS to LES in separated flows
ML Shur, PR Spalart, MK Strelets, AK Travin
Flow, turbulence and combustion 95, 709-737, 2015
Improvement of delayed detached-eddy simulation for LES with wall modelling
AK Travin, ML Shur, PR Spalart, MK Strelets
ECCOMAS CFD 2006: Proceedings of the European Conference on Computational …, 2006
Towards the prediction of noise from jet engines
ML Shur, PR Spalart, MK Strelets, AK Travin
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 24 (4), 551-561, 2003
Noise prediction for increasingly complex jets. Part II: Applications
ML Shur, PR Spalart, MK Strelets
International Journal of Aeroacoustics 4 (3-4), 247-269, 2005
Further steps in LES-based noise prediction for complex jets
ML Shur, PR Spalart, MK Strelets, AV Garbaruk
AIAA paper 485, 2006
Two non-zonal approaches to accelerate RANS to LES transition of free shear layers in DES
C Mockett, M Fuchs, A Garbaruk, M Shur, P Spalart, M Strelets, F Thiele, ...
Progress in Hybrid RANS-LES Modelling: Papers Contributed to the 5th …, 2015
Comparative numerical testing of one- and two-equation turbulence models for flows with separation and reattachment
M Shur, M Strelets, L Zajkov, A Gulyaev, V Kozlov, A Sekundov
AIAA, Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 33 rd, Reno, NV, 1995
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Articles 1–20