Angelo Susi
Angelo Susi
Researcher, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Italy
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Cited by
Clustering test cases to achieve effective and scalable prioritisation incorporating expert knowledge
S Yoo, M Harman, P Tonella, A Susi
Proceedings of the eighteenth international symposium on Software testing …, 2009
A machine learning approach to software requirements prioritization
A Perini, A Susi, P Avesani
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 39 (4), 445-461, 2012
The tropos metamodel and its use
A Susi, A Perini, J Mylopoulos, P Gi
Informatica 29 (4), 2005
Interactive requirements prioritization using a genetic algorithm
P Tonella, A Susi, F Palma
Information and software technology 55 (1), 173-187, 2013
Tool-supported requirements prioritization: Comparing the AHP and CBRank methods
A Perini, F Ricca, A Susi
Information and Software Technology 51 (6), 1021-1032, 2009
Using the case-based ranking methodology for test case prioritization
P Tonella, P Avesani, A Susi
2006 22nd IEEE international conference on software maintenance, 123-133, 2006
Facing scalability issues in requirements prioritization with machine learning techniques
P Avesani, C Bazzanella, A Perini, A Susi
13th IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering (RE'05), 297-305, 2005
Developing a decision support system for integrated production in agriculture
A Perini, A Susi
Environmental Modelling & Software 19 (9), 821-829, 2004
High variability design for software agents: Extending tropos
L Penserini, A Perini, A Susi, J Mylopoulos
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS) 2 (4), 16-es, 2007
A multi-objective technique to prioritize test cases
A Marchetto, MM Islam, W Asghar, A Susi, G Scanniello
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 42 (10), 918-940, 2015
Analysing app reviews for software engineering: a systematic literature review
J Dąbrowski, E Letier, A Perini, A Susi
Empirical Software Engineering 27 (2), 43, 2022
Automating model transformations in agent-oriented modelling
A Perini, A Susi
International Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, 167-178, 2005
An empirical study on the efficiency of graphical vs. textual representations in requirements comprehension
Z Sharafi, A Marchetto, A Susi, G Antoniol, YG Guéhéneuc
2013 21st International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC), 33-42, 2013
Designing law-compliant software requirements
A Siena, J Mylopoulos, A Perini, A Susi
Conceptual Modeling-ER 2009: 28th International Conference on Conceptual …, 2009
An empirical study to compare the accuracy of AHP and CBRanking techniques for requirements prioritization
A Perini, A Susi, F Ricca, C Bazzanella
2007 Fifth International Workshop on Comparative Evaluation in Requirements …, 2007
Validation of requirements for hybrid systems: A formal approach
A Cimatti, M Roveri, A Susi, S Tonetta
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 21 (4), 1-34, 2013
Tool-supported development with tropos: The conference management system case study
M Morandini, DC Nguyen, A Perini, A Siena, A Susi
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering VIII: 8th International Workshop, AOSE …, 2008
Capturing Variability of Law with Nómos 2
A Siena, I Jureta, S Ingolfo, A Susi, A Perini, J Mylopoulos
Conceptual Modeling: 31st International Conference ER 2012, Florence, Italy …, 2012
A meta-model for modelling law-compliant requirements
A Siena, A Perini, A Susi, J Mylopoulos
2009 Second International Workshop on Requirements Engineering and Law, 45-51, 2009
Comparing the comprehensibility of requirements models expressed in Use Case and Tropos: Results from a family of experiments
I Hadar, I Reinhartz-Berger, T Kuflik, A Perini, F Ricca, A Susi
Information and Software Technology 55 (10), 1823-1843, 2013
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Articles 1–20