Amy Trauger
Amy Trauger
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Cited by
‘Because they can do the work’: Women farmers in sustainable agriculture in Pennsylvania, USA
A Trauger
Gender, Place & Culture 11 (2), 289-307, 2004
Food justice, hunger and the city
N Heynen, HE Kurtz, A Trauger
Geography compass 6 (5), 304-311, 2012
Agricultural education: Gender identity and knowledge exchange
A Trauger, C Sachs, M Barbercheck, NE Kiernan, K Brasier, J Findeis
Journal of Rural Studies 24 (4), 432-439, 2008
Toward a political geography of food sovereignty: transforming territory, exchange and power in the liberal sovereign state
A Trauger
Journal of Peasant Studies 41 (6), 1131-1152, 2014
“Our market is our community”: Women farmers and civic agriculture in Pennsylvania, USA
A Trauger, C Sachs, M Barbercheck, K Brasier, NE Kiernan
Agriculture and Human Values 27, 43-55, 2010
A feminist approach to climate change governance: Everyday and intimate politics
BA Bee, J Rice, A Trauger
Geography compass 9 (6), 339-350, 2015
Capturing the Multiple and Shifting Identities of Farm Women in the Northeastern U nited S tates
KJ Brasier, CE Sachs, NE Kiernan, A Trauger, ME Barbercheck
Rural Sociology 79 (3), 283-309, 2014
Meeting the extension needs of women farmers: A perspective from Pennsylvania
M Barbercheck, KJ Braiser, NE Kiernan, C Sachs, A Trauger, J Findeis, ...
The Journal of Extension 47 (3), 8, 2009
We want land to live: Making political space for food sovereignty
A Trauger
University of Georgia Press, 2017
The object of extension: agricultural education and authentic farmers in Pennsylvania
A Trauger, C Sachs, M Barbercheck, NE Kiernan, K Brasier, ...
Sociologia Ruralis 50 (2), 85-103, 2010
Food sovereignty in international context
A Trauger
Taylor & Francis, 2015
Social agency and networked spatial relations in sustainable agriculture
A Trauger
Area 41 (2), 117-128, 2009
Towards a post-capitalist-politics of food: cultivating subjects of community economies
A Trauger, C Passidomo
ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies 11 (2), 282-303, 2012
Public policies for food sovereignty: Social movements and the state
AA Desmarais, P Claeys, A Trauger
Routledge, 2017
Use of conservation practices by women farmers in the Northeastern United States
M Barbercheck, K Brasier, NE Kiernan, C Sachs, A Trauger
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 29 (1), 65-82, 2014
Is bigger better? The small farm imaginary and fair trade banana production in the Dominican Republic
A Trauger
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 104 (5), 1082-1100, 2014
Un/re‐constructing the agrarian dream: Going back‐to‐the‐land with an organic marketing co‐operative in south‐central Pennsylvania, USA
A Trauger
Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 98 (1), 9-20, 2007
“Oh honey, don’t you know?” The Social Construction of Food Access in a Food Desert
G Howerton, A Trauger
ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies 16 (4), 740-760, 2017
The contested terrain of biological citizenship in the seizure of raw milk in Athens, Georgia
H Kurtz, A Trauger, C Passidomo
Geoforum 48, 136-144, 2013
Extension educators’ perceptions of the educational needs of women farmers in Pennsylvania
K Brasier, M Barbercheck, NE Kiernan, C Sachs, A Schwartzberg, ...
Journal of Extension 47 (3), 1-12, 2009
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Articles 1–20