Zannatul Yasmin
Zannatul Yasmin
Ph.D. in Physics
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In vitro monitoring of oxidative processes with self-aggregating gold nanoparticles using all-optical photoacoustic spectroscopy
Z Yasmin, E Khachatryan, YH Lee, S Maswadi, R Glickman, KL Nash
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 64, 676-682, 2015
Rare earth nanocomposites based on chitosan platforms for biological applications
Z Yasmin, M Zhang, W Gorski, S Maswadi, R Glickman, KL Nash
MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL) 1471, mrss12-1471-yy08-14, 2012
Chapter 5 - Sensing of reactive oxygen species by self-aggregating gold nanoparticle assemblies
Z Yasmin, A Catala, S Maswadi, KL Nash, RD Glickman
Fabrication and Self-assembly of Nanobiomaterials: Applications of …, 2016
Electrochemical reduction of La (Ni 3.6 Co 0.7 Al 0.4 Mn 0.3)(LaMM) deuterides investigated by in situ neutron powder diffraction: Following the metal-hydride phase transition …
J Schefer, L Keller, Z Yasmin, S Paofai, M Schmalz, M Krebs, ...
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 38 (14), 5903-5910, 2013
Opto-acoustic characterization of chitosan based gold nanoparticles (GNPs) synthesized in the presence of monovalent salt
SK Franklin, Z Yasmin, S Maswadi, KL Nash
Colloidal Nanocrystals for Biomedical Applications VIII 8595, 221-228, 2013
Synthesis and optical characterization of interactive nanosystems
Z Yasmin
University of Texas at San Antonio, 2015
Elucidating the Nano-Bio-Interface by Studying Serum Protein Interaction with Glutathione Molecules
Alexis D. Catala, Zannatul Yasmin, Kelly L. Nash
Undergraduate Research Showcase, 2014
Photoacoustic imaging of Cells using Nanoparticles as Contrast Agents
Zannatul Yasmin, Edward Khachatryan, Saher Maswadi, Randolph Glickman, Kelly ...
San Antonio Nanotechnology Forum, 2014
Detection of oxidative stress biomarker-induced assembly of gold nanoparticles in retinal pigment epithelial cells
Z Yasmin, Y Lee, S Maswadi, R Glickman, KL Nash
Optical Interactions with Tissue and Cells XXIV 8579, 80-88, 2013
Detection of Eu3+:Y2O3 and Er3+:Y2O3 Nanoparticles by Capillary Electrophoresis (CE)
Edward Khachatryan, Zannatul Yasmin, Randolph Glickman, Dhiraj K. Sardar ...
Research Conference College of Science UTSA, 2012
Characterization of Au/Rare Earth Oxide/Au Thin-films by all Optical Photoacoustic Spectroscopy
Z Yasmin, N Ray, E Khachatryan, S Maswadi, R Glickman, K Nash
APS Texas Sections Fall Meeting Abstracts, L4. 002, 2012
Methods of measuring chitosan and gold interaction in the formation of biocompatible gold nanoparticles
S Franklin, K Nash, Z Yasmin
APS Texas Sections Fall Meeting Abstracts, E5. 001, 2012
Том. 1471. Rare-Earth-Based Materials.-Сер. Rare-Earth-Based Materials
Z Yasmin, KL Nash, M Zhang, W Gorski, S Maswadi, R Glickman
Characterization of Biocompatible Hetero-nanoparticles for Enhanced Luminescence through Surface Plasmon Coupled Emission
Zannatul Yasmin, D.Guthikonda, R. C. Dennis, M. Zhang, W. Gorski, D. K ...
International Conference on Luminescence, 2011
Characterization of Rare Earth Oxide/Gold Composites Synthesized by Control of Surface Composition
Z Yasmin, R Dennis, D Sardar, M Zhang, W Gorski, K Nash
APS Texas Sections Fall Meeting Abstracts, FP1. 006, 2010
H storage in AB5 alloys for commercially dedicated rechargeable batteries
Z Yasmin
Universitą Di Torino, 2009
Elemental Analysis of Chewing Stick Plants of Bangladesh using Ion Beam Techniques PIXE and PIGE
Z Yasmin
Jahangirnagar University, 2007
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Articles 1–17