Fabian Seguel
Fabian Seguel
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Cited by
Interference mitigation for visible light communications in underground mines using angle diversity receivers
P Palacios Játiva, M Román Canizares, CA Azurdia-Meza, ...
Sensors 20 (2), 367, 2020
A VLC channel model for underground mining environments with scattering and shadowing
PP Játiva, CA Azurdia-Meza, I Sánchez, F Seguel, D Zabala-Blanco, ...
IEEE Access 8, 185445-185464, 2020
Underground mine positioning: A review
F Seguel, P Palacios-Játiva, CA Azurdia-Meza, N Krommenacker, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal 22 (6), 4755-4771, 2021
A novel frequency domain visible light communication (VLC) three-dimensional trilateration system for localization in underground mining
A Dehghan Firoozabadi, C Azurdia-Meza, I Soto, F Seguel, ...
Applied Sciences 9 (7), 1488, 2019
A new VLC system for localization in underground mining tunnels
D Iturralde, F Seguel, I Soto, C Azurdia, S Khan
IEEE Latin America Transactions 15 (4), 581-587, 2017
Potential and challenges of VLC based IPS in underground mines
F Seguel, I Soto, P Adasme, N Krommenacker, P Charpentier
2017 First South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVLC …, 2017
Predicting bubble size and bubble rate data in water and in froth flotation-like slurry from computational fluid dynamics (CFD) by applying deep neural networks (DNN)
G Montes-Atenas, F Seguel, A Valencia, SM Bhatti, MS Khan, I Soto, ...
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 76, 197-201, 2016
Performance analysis of IEEE 802.15. 7-based visible light communication systems in underground mine environments
PP Játiva, CA Azurdia-Meza, MR Cańizares, I Sánchez, F Seguel, ...
Photonic Network Communications 43 (1), 23-33, 2022
Optimizing flotation bank performance through froth depth profiling: Revisited
F Seguel, I Soto, N Krommenacker, M Maldonado, NB Yoma
Minerals Engineering 77, 179-184, 2015
A meta-heuristic approach for copper price forecasting
F Seguel, R Carrasco, P Adasme, M Alfaro, I Soto
Information and Knowledge Management in Complex Systems: 16th IFIP WG 8.1 …, 2015
An enhanced VLC channel model for underground mining environments considering a 3D dust particle distribution model
P Palacios Játiva, CA Azurdia-Meza, I Sánchez, D Zabala-Blanco, ...
Sensors 22 (7), 2483, 2022
A hybrid VLC-RF portable phasor measurement unit for deep tunnels
I Soto, R Nilson Rodrigues, G Massuyama, F Seguel, P Palacios Jativa, ...
Sensors 20 (3), 790, 2020
Bit error probability of VLC systems in underground mining channels with imperfect CSI
PP Jativa, CA Azurdia-Meza, D Zabala-Blanco, CA Gutiérrez, I Sanchez, ...
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 145, 154101, 2022
Visible light positioning based on architecture information: Method and performance
F Seguel, N Krommenacker, P Charpentier, I Soto
IET Communications 13 (7), 848-856, 2019
Enhancement of the QoS in an OFDMA/VLC system
F Seguel, I Soto, D Iturralde, P Adasme, B Nuńez
2016 10th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and …, 2016
Evaluation of intelligent reflecting surfaces for diffuse visible light communications link
PP Játiva, F Seguel, P Adasme
2020 IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM), 1-5, 2020
Proposed energy based method for light receiver localization in underground mining
D Aguirre, AD Firoozabadi, F Seguel, I Soto
2016 IEEE International Conference on Automatica (ICA-ACCA), 1-6, 2016
Comparison of metaheuristic optimization algorithms for RSS-based 3-D visible light positioning systems
C Carreńo, F Seguel, P Adasme, I Soto, N Krommenacker, P Charpentier, ...
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC), 1-6, 2020
A novel strategy for LED re-utilization for visible light communications
F Seguel, AD Firoozabadi, P Adasme, I Soto, N Krommenacker, ...
Optik 151, 88-97, 2017
A novel range free visible light positioning algorithm for imaging receivers
F Seguel, N Krommenacker, P Charpentier, I Soto
Optik 195, 163028, 2019
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Articles 1–20