Kathryn Heal
Cited by
Cited by
A parameterless scale-space approach to find meaningful modes in histograms—Application to image and spectrum segmentation
J Gilles, K Heal
International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information …, 2014
On variability of renewable energy and online power allocation
C Enyioha, S Magnússon, K Heal, N Li, C Fischione, V Tarokh
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (1), 451-462, 2017
Deep learning gauss–manin connections
K Heal, A Kulkarni, EC Sertöz
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 32 (2), 24, 2022
Distributed resource allocation using one-way communication with applications to power networks
S Magnússon, C Enyioha, K Heal, N Li, C Fischione, V Tarokh
2016 Annual Conference on Information Science and Systems (CISS), 631-636, 2016
Robustness analysis for an online decentralized descent power allocation algorithm
C Enyioha, S Magnússon, K Heal, N Li, C Fischione, V Tarokh
2016 Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA), 1-8, 2016
A lighting-invariant point processor for shading
K Heal, J Wang, SJ Gortler, T Zickler
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2020
Analysis of multistate autoregressive models
J Ding, S Shahrampour, K Heal, V Tarokh
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 66 (9), 2429-2440, 2018
A Lighting-Invariant Approach to Local Shape from Shading
K Heal
Harvard University, 2021
Epilepsy classification, EEG analysis, and EEG-FMRI fusion
K Heal, K Navarro, M Wollner, EYJ Gilles, W Kerr, PK Douglas, T Meyer
Technical report. http://www. math. ucla. edu/~ bertozzi/WORKFORCE/REU …, 2013
Distributed Resource Allocation with Limited Bandwidth Communications for Power Networks
S Magnússon, C Enyioha, K Heal, C Fischione, N Li, V Tarokh
Distributed resource allocation with limited bandwidth communications for …, 1915
The number of independent sets in hexagonal graphs
Z Deng, J Ding, K Heal, V Tarokh
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2910-2914, 2017
231A Final: Variations on the Nerve Theorem
K Heal
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Articles 1–12