David Gossow
David Gossow
PhD Student, TU Munich
Verifierad e-postadress på cs.tum.edu
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CAD-model recognition and 6DOF pose estimation using 3D cues
A Aldoma, M Vincze, N Blodow, D Gossow, S Gedikli, RB Rusu, G Bradski
2011 IEEE international conference on computer vision workshops (ICCV …, 2011
Strategies for human-in-the-loop robotic grasping
AE Leeper, K Hsiao, M Ciocarlie, L Takayama, D Gossow
Proceedings of the seventh annual ACM/IEEE international conference on Human …, 2012
Interactive markers: 3-d user interfaces for ros applications [ros topics]
D Gossow, A Leeper, D Hershberger, M Ciocarlie
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 18 (4), 14-15, 2011
Mobile manipulation through an assistive home robot
M Ciocarlie, K Hsiao, A Leeper, D Gossow
2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2012
An evaluation of open source SURF implementations
D Gossow, P Decker, D Paulus
RoboCup 2010: Robot Soccer World Cup XIV 14, 169-179, 2011
RViz, 3D visualization tool for ROS
D Hershberger, D Gossow, J Faust
URL: http://wiki. ros. org/rviz 1, 2019
Danger sign detection using color histograms and SURF matching
D Gossow, J Pellenz, D Paulus
2008 IEEE international workshop on safety, security and rescue robotics, 13-18, 2008
Distinctive texture features from perspective-invariant keypoints
D Gossow, D Weikersdorfer, M Beetz
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition …, 2012
D Hershberger, D Gossow, J Faust, W Woodwall, R Haschke
línea]. Available:/www. ros. org/wiki/rviz/.[Último acceso: 10 diciembre 2016], 2016
Robbie: a fully autonomous robot for robocuprescue
J Pellenz, D Gossow, D Paulus
Advanced Robotics 23 (9), 1159-1177, 2009
Hierarchical multi-robot coordination
V Seib, D Gossow, S Vetter, D Paulus
RoboCup 2010: Robot Soccer World Cup XIV 14, 314-323, 2011
rviz-3D visualization tool for ROS, 2019
D Hershberger, D Gossow, J Faust
URL http://wiki. ros. org/rviz, 2021
Mixed 2D/3D perception for autonomous robots in unstructured environments
J Pellenz, F Neuhaus, D Dillenberger, D Gossow, D Paulus
RoboCup 2010: Robot Soccer World Cup XIV 14, 303-313, 2011
RoboCup 2009 RoboCup Rescue Team resko@ UniKoblenz (Germany)
J Pellenz, D Beckmann, D Dillenberger, C Fuchs, D Gossow, S Maur, ...
RoboCup Team Description Paper, 2009
Extending surf to the color domain
D Gossow, P Decker, D Paulus
Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision 5, 215-221, 2010
RoboCup 2009-homer@ UniKoblenz (Germany)
D Gossow, M Arends, P Decker, S Greve, J Pellenz, V Seib, S Thierfelder, ...
Robocup 2008-homer@ unikoblenz (germany)
W Hans, S Gräser, F Jarmer, S Schmitt, J Bornemeier, P Lambrecht, ...
Active Vision Group, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany, 2008
Erweiterung des SURF-Algorithmus um Farbmerkmale für die Objekterkennung
D Gossow
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Erweiterung des SURF-Algorithmus um Farbmerkmale für die Objekterkennung
D Gossow
Diplomarbeit, Koblenz, Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Koblenz, 2010, 0
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