Eric Gordon
Cited by
Cited by
Net locality: Why location matters in a networked world
E Gordon, AS e Silva
John Wiley & Sons, 2011
Immersive planning: a conceptual model for designing public participation with new technologies
E Gordon, S Schirra, J Hollander
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 38 (3), 505-519, 2011
Augmented deliberation: Merging physical and virtual interaction to engage communities in urban planning
E Gordon, E Manosevitch
New Media & Society 13 (1), 75-95, 2011
Digital civics: Citizen empowerment with and through technology
V Vlachokyriakos, C Crivellaro, CA Le Dantec, E Gordon, P Wright, ...
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI conference extended abstracts on human factors …, 2016
Playful civic learning: Enabling lateral trust and reflection in game-based public participation
E Gordon, J Baldwin-Philippi
International Journal of Communication 8, 28, 2014
Placeworlds: Using virtual worlds to foster civic engagement
E Gordon, G Koo
Space and culture 11 (3), 204-221, 2008
Uncharted territoriality in coproduction: The motivations for 311 reporting
DT O’Brien, D Offenhuber, J Baldwin-Philippi, M Sands, E Gordon
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 27 (2), 320-335, 2017
Why we engage: How theories of human behavior contribute to our understanding of civic engagement in a digital era
E Gordon, J Baldwin-Philippi, M Balestra
Berkman Center Research Publication, 2013
Civic Media: Technology, Design, Practice
E Gordon, P Mihailidis
MIT Press, 2016
The urban spectator: American concept cities from Kodak to Google
E Gordon
UPNE, 2010
Playing with empathy: digital role-playing games in public meetings
E Gordon, S Schirra
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Communities and …, 2011
Civic Media: Technology, Design
E Gordon, P Mihailidis
Practice 1, 2016
Meaningful inefficiencies: Resisting the logic of technological efficiency in the design of civic systems
E Gordon, S Walter
The Playful Citizen 1 (2019), 310-334, 2019
de Souza e Silva, A
E Gordon
Net locality: Why location matters in a networked world, 2011
Towards a theory of network locality
E Gordon
First Monday 13 (10), 2008
Civic creativity: Role-playing games in deliberative process
E Gordon, J Haas, B Michelson
International Journal of Communication 11, 19, 2017
Mapping digital networks from cyberspace to Google
E Gordon
Information, Communication & Society 10 (6), 885-901, 2007
Caring about the community, counteracting disorder: 311 reports of public issues as expressions of territoriality
DT O'Brien, E Gordon, J Baldwin
Journal of Environmental Psychology 40, 320-330, 2014
Digitally connected: Global perspectives on youth and digital media
S Cortesi, U Gasser, G Adzaho, B Baikie, J Baljeu, M Battles, J Beauchere, ...
Redefining the local: The distinction between located information and local knowledge in location-based games
E Gordon
Digital cityscapes: Merging digital and urban playspaces, 21-36, 2009
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Articles 1–20