Adrian Adermon
Adrian Adermon
Institute for Evaluation of Labor Market and Education Policy
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Cited by
Intergenerational wealth mobility and the role of inheritance: Evidence from multiple generations
A Adermon, M Lindahl, D Waldenström
The Economic Journal 128 (612), F482–F513, 2018
Job polarization and task‐biased technological change: Evidence from Sweden, 1975–2005
A Adermon, M Gustavsson
The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 117 (3), 878-917, 2015
Piracy and music sales: The effects of an anti-piracy law
A Adermon, CY Liang
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 105, 90-106, 2014
Dynastic human capital, inequality, and intergenerational mobility
A Adermon, M Lindahl, M Palme
American Economic Review 111 (5), 1523-1548, 2021
Gig-jobs: Stepping stones or dead ends?
A Adermon, L Hensvik
Labour Economics 76, 102171, 2022
Trends in Absolute Income Mobility in European and North American Countries
R Manduca, M Hell, A Adermon, J Blanden, E Bratberg, AC Gielen, ...
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2022
Teknisk utveckling och jobbpolarisering
A Adermon, M Gustavsson
SNS Analys 28, 2015
Gigekonomin som dörröppnare?
A Adermon, L Hensvik
IFAU-Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy, 2020
Essays on the transmission of human capital and the impact of technological change
A Adermon
Uppsala universitet, 2013
Innovation matters: An empirical analysis of innovation 2002–2004 and its impact on productivity
HO Hagén, C Ahlstrand, M Daniels, E Nilsson, A Adermon
Yearbook on Productivity 2007, 33, 2008
Sibling Spillover in Education: Causal Estimates from a Natural Experiment
A Adermon
Essays on the Transmission of Human Capital and the Impact of Technological …, 2013
Earnings Losses and the Role of the Welfare State During the COVID‐19 Pandemic: Evidence from Sweden
A Adermon, L Laun, P Lind, M Olsson, J Sauermann, A Sjögren
Review of Income and Wealth, 2022
Coronapandemin, arbetsinkomsterna och välfärdssystemets skyddsgrad
A Adermon, L Laun, P Lind, J Sauermann, A Sjögren, M Olsson
IFAU-Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy, 2022
Svar på Anders Björklund, Karin Hederos och Markus Jäntti “Social rörlighet och jämlikhet i möjligheter–en kommentar”
A Adermon, M Lindahl, M Palme
Ekonomisk Debatt 50 (6), 62-64, 2022
Bristyrken i offentlig verksamhet
A Adermon, L Laun
IFAU-Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy, 2018
Har illegal fildelning orsakat minskad skivförsäljning i Sverige?: En empirisk studie
A Adermon
Uppsala University, Humanistisk-samhällsvetenskapliga vetenskapsområdet …, 2007
The Relationship Between Intergenerational Mobility and Equality of Opportunity
A Adermon, G Brandén, M Nybom
Preliminary draft, 2019
The role of the immediate and extended family in the formation of wealth: evidence from Sweden
A Adermon, K Gunnarsson
Unpublished Manuscript, Uppsala University, Department of Economics, 2017
Online appendix Dynastic Human Capital, Inequality and Intergenerational Mobility
A Adermon, M Lindahl, M Palme
Trender i absolut inkomströrlighet i Europa och Nordamerika
A Adermon, M Nybom
IFAU-Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy, 2020
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Articles 1–20