Christian La Borderie
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Phénomènes unilatéraux dans un matériau endommageable: Modélisation et application à l'analyse de structures en béton.
C La Borderie
Paris 6, 1991
Coupled diffusion-damage modelling and the implications on failure due to strain localisation
B Gerard, G Pijaudier-Cabot, C Laborderie
International Journal of Solids and Structures 35 (31-32), 4107-4120, 1998
Rate dependent damage model for concrete in dynamics
JF Dubé, G Pijaudier-Cabot, CL Borderie
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 122 (10), 939-947, 1996
Isotropic and anisotropic descriptions of damage in concrete structures
S Fichant, C La Borderie, G Pijaudier‐Cabot
Mechanics of Cohesive‐frictional Materials: An International Journal on …, 1999
A practical method to estimate crack openings in concrete structures
M Matallah, C La Borderie, O Maurel
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2010
Damage model for concrete like materials coupling cracking and friction, contribution towards structural damping: first uniaxial application
F Ragueneau, C La Borderie, J Mazars
Mechanics of Cohesive Frictional Materials 5, 607-625, 2000
Experimental study on an alternative oil stimulation technique for tight gas reservoirs based on dynamic shock waves generated by pulsed arc electrohydraulic discharges
W Chen, O Maurel, T Reess, AS De Ferron, C La Borderie, ...
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 88, 67-74, 2012
Electrohydraulic shock wave generation as a means to increase intrinsic permeability of mortar
O Maurel, T Reess, M Matallah, A De Ferron, W Chen, C La Borderie, ...
Cement and Concrete Research 40 (12), 1631-1638, 2010
Inelasticity–damage-based model for numerical modeling of concrete cracking
M Matallah, C La Borderie
Engineering fracture mechanics 76 (8), 1087-1108, 2009
Continuum damage modelling: approximation of crack induced anisotropy
S Fichant, G Pijaudier-Cabot, C La Borderie
Mechanics Research Communications 24 (2), 109-114, 1997
Experimental analysis of concrete spalling due to fire exposure
JC Mindeguia, P Pimienta, H Carré, CL Borderie
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 17 (6), 453-466, 2013
Experimental discussion on the mechanisms behind the fire spalling of concrete
JC Mindeguia, H Carré, P Pimienta, C La Borderie
Fire and Materials 39 (7), 619-635, 2015
Parametrical study of transient thermal strain of ordinary and high performance concrete
JC Mindeguia, I Hager, P Pimienta, H Carré, C La Borderie
Cement and Concrete Research 48, 40-52, 2013
Response of plain and reinforced concrete structures under cyclic loadings
C La Borderie, J Mazars, G Pijaudier-Cabot
ACI Special Publication 134, 147--172, 1992
Modeling of the quasibrittle fracture of concrete at meso-scale: Effect of classes of aggregates on global and local behavior
A Gangnant, J Saliba, C La Borderie, S Morel
Cement and Concrete Research 89, 35-44, 2016
Effect of elevated temperatures on concrete made with recycled concrete aggregates-An overview
B Fernandes, H Carré, JC Mindeguia, C Perlot, C La Borderie
Journal of Building Engineering 44, 103235, 2021
On the influence of aggregate nature on concrete behaviour at high temperature
JC Mindeguia, P Pimienta, H Carré, C La Borderie
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 16 (2), 236-253, 2012
A mesoscopic model for a better understanding of the transition from diffuse damage to localized damage
D Nguyen, C Lawrence, C La Borderie, M Matallah, G Nahas
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 14 (6-7), 751-776, 2010
2D mesoscopic modelling of bar–concrete bond
A Daoud, O Maurel, C Laborderie
Engineering Structures 49, 696-706, 2013
Effect of compressive loading on the risk of spalling
H Carré, P Pimienta, C La Borderie, F Pereira, JC Mindeguia
MATEC Web of Conferences 6, 01007, 2013
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Articles 1–20