Thi Ha Kyaw
Thi Ha Kyaw
LG Electronics Toronto AI Lab
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Noisy intermediate-scale quantum algorithms
K Bharti*, A Cervera-Lierta*, TH Kyaw*, T Haug, S Alperin-Lea, A Anand, ...
Reviews of Modern Physics 94 (1), 015004, 2022
Resource-efficient digital quantum simulation of d-level systems for photonic, vibrational, and spin-s Hamiltonians
NPD Sawaya, T Menke, TH Kyaw, S Johri, A Aspuru-Guzik, ...
npj Quantum Information 6 (1), 1-13, 2020
Fast non-Abelian geometric gates via transitionless quantum driving
J Zhang*, TH Kyaw*, DM Tong, E Sjöqvist, LC Kwek
Scientific Reports 5, 18414, 2015
Scalable quantum memory in the ultrastrong coupling regime
TH Kyaw, S Felicetti, G Romero, E Solano, LC Kwek
Scientific Reports 5, 8621, 2015
Geometric and holonomic quantum computation
J Zhang*, TH Kyaw*, S Filipp, LC Kwek, E Sjöqvist, D Tong
Physics Reports 1027, 1-53, 2023
Mutual information-assisted adaptive variational quantum eigensolver
ZJ Zhang, TH Kyaw, J Kottmann, M Degroote, A Aspuru-Guzik
Quantum Science and Technology 6, 035001, 2021
Creation of quantum error correcting codes in the ultrastrong coupling regime
TH Kyaw, DA Herrera-Martí, E Solano, G Romero, LC Kwek
Physical Review B 91, 064503, 2015
Non-Markovian environments and entanglement preservation
J Tan, TH Kyaw, Y Yeo
Physical Review A 81 (6), 062119, 2010
Dynamical quantum phase transitions and non-Markovian dynamics
TH Kyaw, VM Bastidas, J Tangpanitanon, G Romero, LC Kwek
Physical Review A 101 (1), 012111, 2020
Quantum computer-aided design of quantum optics hardware
J Kottmann, M Krenn, TH Kyaw, S Alperin-Lea, A Aspuru-Guzik
Quantum Science and Technology 6, 035010, 2021
Quantum computer-aided design: digital quantum simulation of quantum processors
TH Kyaw, T Menke, S Sim, A Anand, NPD Sawaya, WD Oliver, ...
Physical Review Applied 16 (4), 044042, 2021
Learning quantum dynamics with latent neural ODEs
M Choi*, D Flam-Shepherd*, TH Kyaw, A Aspuru-Guzik
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.10721, 2021
Floquet stroboscopic divisibility in non-Markovian dynamics
VM Bastidas, TH Kyaw, J Tangpanitanon, G Romero, LC Kwek, ...
New Journal of Physics 20, 093004, 2018
Parity-preserving light-matter system mediates effective two-body interactions
TH Kyaw, S Allende, LC Kwek, G Romero
Quantum Science and Technology 2, 025007, 2017
Boosting quantum amplitude exponentially in variational quantum algorithms
TH Kyaw, MB Soley, B Allen, P Bergold, C Sun, VS Batista, ...
Quantum Science and Technology 9 (1), 01LT01, 2023
Cluster state generation in one-dimensional Kitaev honeycomb model via shortcut to adiabaticity
TH Kyaw, LC Kwek
New Journal of Physics 20, 045007, 2018
Measurement-Based Quantum Computation on Two-Body Interacting Qubits with Adiabatic Evolution
TH Kyaw, Y Li, LC Kwek
Physical Review Letters 113 (18), 180501, 2014
Towards a Scalable Quantum Computing Platform in the Ultrastrong Coupling Regime
TH Kyaw
Springer, 2019
Toward reliability in the NISQ era: Robust interval guarantee for quantum measurements on approximate states
M Weber, A Anand, A Cervera-Lierta, JS Kottmann, TH Kyaw, B Li, ...
Physical Review Research 4 (3), 033217, 2022
Stable many-body resonances in open quantum systems
R Peña, TH Kyaw, G Romero
Symmetry 14 (12), 2562, 2022
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Articles 1–20