Philipp Pirro
Philipp Pirro
RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau and State Research Center OPTIMAS
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Review on spintronics: Principles and device applications
A Hirohata, K Yamada, Y Nakatani, IL Prejbeanu, B Diény, P Pirro, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 509, 166711, 2020
Opportunities and challenges for spintronics in the microelectronics industry
B Dieny, IL Prejbeanu, K Garello, P Gambardella, P Freitas, R Lehndorff, ...
Nature Electronics 3 (8), 446-459, 2020
The 2017 magnetism roadmap
D Sander, SO Valenzuela, D Makarov, CH Marrows, EE Fullerton, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50 (36), 363001, 2017
Advances in magnetics roadmap on spin-wave computing
AV Chumak, P Kabos, M Wu, C Abert, C Adelmann, AO Adeyeye, ...
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 58 (6), 1-72, 2022
Advances in coherent magnonics
P Pirro, VI Vasyuchka, AA Serga, B Hillebrands
Nature Reviews Materials 6 (12), 1114-1135, 2021
Reconfigurable nanoscale spin-wave directional coupler
Q Wang, P Pirro, R Verba, A Slavin, B Hillebrands, AV Chumak
Science advances 4 (1), e1701517, 2018
Spin-wave propagation in a microstructured magnonic crystal
AV Chumak, P Pirro, AA Serga, MP Kostylev, RL Stamps, H Schultheiss, ...
Applied Physics Letters 95 (26), 2009
A magnonic directional coupler for integrated magnonic half-adders
Q Wang, M Kewenig, M Schneider, R Verba, F Kohl, B Heinz, M Geilen, ...
Nature Electronics 3 (12), 765-774, 2020
Spin-wave excitation and propagation in microstructured waveguides of yttrium iron garnet/Pt bilayers
P Pirro, T Brächer, AV Chumak, B Lägel, C Dubs, O Surzhenko, P Görnert, ...
Applied Physics Letters 104 (1), 2014
Design of a spin-wave majority gate employing mode selection
S Klingler, P Pirro, T Brächer, B Leven, B Hillebrands, AV Chumak
Applied Physics Letters 105 (15), 2014
Two types of all-optical magnetization switching mechanisms using femtosecond laser pulses
MS El Hadri, P Pirro, CH Lambert, S Petit-Watelot, Y Quessab, M Hehn, ...
Physical review B 94 (6), 064412, 2016
Roadmap on STIRAP applications
K Bergmann, HC Nägerl, C Panda, G Gabrielse, E Miloglyadov, M Quack, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 52 (20), 202001, 2019
Spin-wave logic devices based on isotropic forward volume magnetostatic waves
S Klingler, P Pirro, T Brächer, B Leven, B Hillebrands, AV Chumak
Applied Physics Letters 106 (21), 2015
Spin pinning and spin-wave dispersion in nanoscopic ferromagnetic waveguides
Q Wang, B Heinz, R Verba, M Kewenig, P Pirro, M Schneider, T Meyer, ...
Physical review letters 122 (24), 247202, 2019
Parallel pumping for magnon spintronics: Amplification and manipulation of magnon spin currents on the micron-scale
T Brächer, P Pirro, B Hillebrands
Physics Reports 699, 1-34, 2017
Low-damping spin-wave propagation in a micro-structured Co2Mn0. 6Fe0. 4Si Heusler waveguide
T Sebastian, Y Ohdaira, T Kubota, P Pirro, T Brächer, K Vogt, AA Serga, ...
Applied Physics Letters 100 (11), 2012
Role of bulk-magnon transport in the temporal evolution of the longitudinal spin-Seebeck effect
M Agrawal, VI Vasyuchka, AA Serga, A Kirihara, P Pirro, T Langner, ...
Physical Review B 89 (22), 224414, 2014
Propagation of spin-wave packets in individual nanosized yttrium iron garnet magnonic conduits
B Heinz, T Brächer, M Schneider, Q Wang, B Lägel, AM Friedel, ...
Nano letters 20 (6), 4220-4227, 2020
A micro-structured ion-implanted magnonic crystal
B Obry, P Pirro, T Brächer, AV Chumak, J Osten, F Ciubotaru, AA Serga, ...
Applied Physics Letters 102 (20), 2013
Nonlinear Emission of Spin-Wave Caustics from an Edge Mode of a Microstructured Waveguide
T Sebastian, T Brächer, P Pirro, AA Serga, B Hillebrands, T Kubota, ...
Physical review letters 110 (6), 067201, 2013
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Articles 1–20