Tatiana Nevzorova
Tatiana Nevzorova
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
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Barriers to the wider implementation of biogas as a source of energy: A state-of-the-art review
T Nevzorova, V Kutcherov
Energy Strategy Reviews 26, 100414, 2019
Explaining the drivers of technological innovation systems: The case of biogas technologies in mature markets
T Nevzorova, E Karakaya
Journal of Cleaner Production 259 (20 June 2020), 120819, 2020
Functional analysis of technological innovation system with inclusion of sectoral and spatial perspectives: The case of the biogas industry in Russia
T Nevzorova
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 42 (March 2022), 232-250, 2022
Biogas Production in the Russian Federation: Current Status, Potential, and Barriers
T Nevzorova
Energies 13, 3620, 2020
Концепция технологической инновационной системы: основные положения и возможности
ТА Невзорова, ВГ Кучеров
Вопросы экономики 5, 99-120, 2022
The Role of Advocacy Coalitions in Shaping the Technological Innovation Systems: The Case of the Russian Renewable Energy Policy
Nevzorova Tatiana, Kutcherov Vladimir
Energies 14 (21), 6941, 2021
Long-lived sustainable products through digital innovation
R Carlsson, T Nevzorova, K Vikingsson
Sustainability 14 (21), 14364, 2022
Barriers to the wider implementation of biogas as a source of energy: a state-of-the-art review, Energy Strateg. Rev. 26 (2019), 100414
T Nevzorova, V Kutcherov
The concept of technological innovation system: The basic principles and opportunities
TA Nevzorova, VG Kutcherov
Voprosy Ekonomiki, 2022
Как российский рубль оказался в капкане нефтяных цен?
ЕК Муравьева, ТА Невзорова
Нефть, газ и бизнес, 34-38, 2016
Barriers, drivers and context environment of technological innovation: An analysis of the biogas industry in Russia
T Nevzorova
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2021
Measuring the Resilience of Supply Critical Systems: The Case of the Biogas Value Chain
R Carlsson, T Nevzorova
Biogas Plants: Waste Management, Energy Production and Carbon Footprint …, 2024
Digitalization and verifiability strategy for sustainability management of transports in the construction sector
R Carlsson, T Nevzorova, K Vikingsson
Digitalization Strategy for Sustainable Transport in the Construction Sector
R Carlsson, T Nevzorova
International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing, 45-62, 2023
Managing Circular Electric Vehicle Battery Lifecycles Using Standards
R Carlsson, T Nevzorova
International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing, 63-77, 2023
Long-Lived Sustainable Products through Digital Innovation. Sustainability 2022, 14, 14364
R Carlsson, T Nevzorova, K Vikingsson
s Note: MDPI stays neu-tral with regard to jurisdictional claims in …, 2022
LAST CANVAS–Principles and guidelines
R Carlsson, T Nevzorova, K Vikingsson
Testing metrics for measuring the circularity while metrics are being standardized - TRACE CERTAINTY TRAnsitioning to a Circular Economy via CERTificAtion in INdusTrY: PROJECT …
Carlsson, Raul, Nevzorova, Tatiana, Diener, Derek, Vanacore, Emanuela, Boyer ...
RISE Rapport 29, 2022
Advanced Technologies which Help to Reduce Energy and Oil Consumption
T Nevzorova
Сборник статей VI Международной студенческой научно-практической конференции …, 2018
How do biogas technologies disseminate? A review of innovation system drivers
T Nevzorova
Scandinavian Academy of Industrial Engineering and Management Conference …, 2018
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