Laura Beani
Laura Beani
Professore di Etologia, Università di Firenze
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Mate choice in the grey partridge, Perdix perdix: role of physical and behavioural male traits
L Beani, F Dessì-Fulgheri
Animal Behaviour 49 (2), 347-356, 1995
Tiny genomes and endoreduplication in Strepsiptera
JS Johnston, LD Ross, L Beani, DP Hughes, J Kathirithamby
Insect molecular biology 13 (6), 581-585, 2004
On status badges and quality signals in the paper wasp Polistes dominulus: body size, facial colour patterns and hierarchical rank
R Cervo, L Dapporto, L Beani, JE Strassmann, S Turillazzi
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 275 (1639), 1189-1196, 2008
Social wasps desert the colony and aggregate outside if parasitized: parasite manipulation?
DP Hughes, J Kathirithamby, S Turillazzi, L Beani
Behavioral Ecology 15 (6), 1037-1043, 2004
Prevalence of the parasite Strepsiptera in Polistes as detected by dissection of immatures
DP Hughes, L Beani, S Turillazzi, J Kathirithamby
Insectes Sociaux 50, 62-68, 2003
Alternative mating tactics in males of Polistes dominulus (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)
L Beani, S Turillazzi
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 22, 257-264, 1988
The advertisement calls of the green toad (Bufo viridis): variability and role in mate choice
C Giacoma, C Zugolaro, L Beani
Herpetologica, 454-464, 1997
Strepsiptera, phylogenomics and the long branch attraction problem
B Boussau, Z Walton, JA Delgado, F Collantes, L Beani, IJ Stewart, ...
PLoS One 9 (10), e107709, 2014
Testosterone affects the acoustic structure of the male call in the grey partridge (Perdix perdix)
L Fusani, L Beani, F Dessì-Fulgheri
Behaviour, 301-310, 1994
Anti-predator behaviour of captive Grey partridges (Perdix perdix)
L Beani, F Dessì-Fulgheri
Ethology Ecology & Evolution 10 (2), 185-196, 1998
Lek-like courtship in paper wasps:" a prolonged, delicate, and troublesome affair".
L Beani
Natural history and evolution of paper wasps, 113-125, 1996
Sexually selected vigilance behaviour of the grey partridge is affected by plasma androgen levels
L Fusani, L Beani, C Lupo, F DESSÌ-FULGHERI
Animal Behaviour 54 (4), 1013-1018, 1997
Mating of Xenos vesparum (Rossi) (Strepsiptera, Insecta) revisited
L Beani, F Giusti, D Mercati, P Lupetti, E Paccagnini, S Turillazzi, R Dallai
Journal of Morphology 265 (3), 291-303, 2005
The trap of sex in social insects: from the female to the male perspective
L Beani, F Dessì-Fulgheri, F Cappa, A Toth
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 46, 519-533, 2014
Testosterone-induced changes of call structure, midbrain and syrinx anatomy in partridges
L Beani, G Panzica, F Briganti, P Persichella, F Dessì-Fulgheri
Physiology & Behavior 58 (6), 1149-1157, 1995
Crazy wasps: when parasites manipulate the Polistes phenotype
L Beani
Annales Zoologici Fennici, 564-574, 2006
A new role for antennation in paper wasps (Hymenoptera, Vespidae): antennal courtship and sex dimorphic glands in antennomeres
R Romani, N Isidoro, P Riolo, F Bin, A Fortunato, S Turillazzi, L Beani
Insectes Sociaux 52, 96-102, 2005
When a parasite breaks all the rules of a colony: morphology and fate of wasps infected by a strepsipteran endoparasite
L Beani, R Dallai, D Mercati, F Cappa, F Giusti, F Manfredini
Animal Behaviour 82 (6), 1305-1312, 2011
The mitochondrial genome of the entomophagous endoparasite Xenos vesparum (Insecta: Strepsiptera)
A Carapelli, L Vannini, F Nardi, JL Boore, L Beani, R Dallai, F Frati
Gene 376 (2), 248-259, 2006
Transcriptomics of an extended phenotype: parasite manipulation of wasp social behaviour shifts expression of caste-related genes
AC Geffre, R Liu, F Manfredini, L Beani, J Kathirithamby, CM Grozinger, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1852), 20170029, 2017
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