Mats Dynesius
Mats Dynesius
Dept of Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental Studies, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå
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Fragmentation and flow regulation of the world's large river systems
C Nilsson, CA Reidy, M Dynesius, C Revenga
science 308 (5720), 405-408, 2005
Fragmentation and flow regulation of river systems in the northern third of the world
M Dynesius, C Nilsson
Science 266 (5186), 753-762, 1994
Evolutionary consequences of changes in species' geographical distributions driven by Milankovitch climate oscillations
M Dynesius, R Jansson
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97 (16), 9115-9120, 2000
The fate of clades in a world of recurrent climatic change: Milankovitch oscillations and evolution
R Jansson, M Dynesius
Annual review of ecology and systematics 33 (1), 741-777, 2002
Effects of river regulation on river‐margin vegetation: a comparison of eight boreal rivers
R Jansson, C Nilsson, M Dynesius, E Andersson
Ecological applications 10 (1), 203-224, 2000
The PREDICTS database: a global database of how local terrestrial biodiversity responds to human impacts
LN Hudson, T Newbold, S Contu, SLL Hill, I Lysenko, A De Palma, ...
Ecology and evolution 4 (24), 4701-4735, 2014
The database of the PREDICTS (projecting responses of ecological diversity in changing terrestrial systems) project
LN Hudson, T Newbold, S Contu, SLL Hill, I Lysenko, A De Palma, ...
Ecology and evolution 7 (1), 145-188, 2017
Local temperatures inferred from plant communities suggest strong spatial buffering of climate warming across N orthern E urope
J Lenoir, BJ Graae, PA Aarrestad, IG Alsos, WS Armbruster, G Austrheim, ...
Global Change Biology 19 (5), 1470-1481, 2013
Plant species numbers predicted by a topography-based groundwater flow index
U Zinko, J Seibert, M Dynesius, C Nilsson
Ecosystems 8, 430-441, 2005
A comparison of species richness and traits of riparian plants between a main river channel and its tributaries
C Nilsson, A Ekblad, M Dynesius, S Backe, M Gardfjell, B Carlberg, ...
Journal of Ecology, 281-295, 1994
Substrate form determines the fate of bryophytes in riparian buffer strips
K Hylander, M Dynesius, BG Jonsson, C Nilsson
Ecological Applications 15 (2), 674-688, 2005
Ecological effects of river regulation on mammals and birds: a review
C Nilsson, M Dynesius
Regulated Rivers: Research & Management 9 (1), 45-53, 1994
Effects of slash harvest on bryophytes and vascular plants in southern boreal forest clear‐cuts
M Åström, M Dynesius, K Hylander, C Nilsson
Journal of applied ecology 42 (6), 1194-1202, 2005
Eighteen years of tree mortality and structural change in an experimentally fragmented Norway spruce forest
MT Jönsson, S Fraver, BG Jonsson, M Dynesius, M Rydgård, PA Esseen
Forest Ecology and Management 242 (2-3), 306-313, 2007
Saproxylic and non‐saproxylic beetle assemblages in boreal spruce forests of different age and forestry intensity
F Stenbacka, J Hjältén, J Hilszczański, M Dynesius
Ecological Applications 20 (8), 2310-2321, 2010
Persistence of within-species lineages: a neglected control of speciation rates
M Dynesius, R Jansson
Evolution 68 (4), 923-934, 2014
Dating uprooted trees: comparison and application of eight methods in a boreal forest
M Dynesius, BG Jonsson
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 21 (5), 655-665, 1991
Slope aspect modifies community responses to clear‐cutting in boreal forests
M Åström, M Dynesius, K Hylander, C Nilsson
Ecology 88 (3), 749-758, 2007
Resilience of bryophyte communities to clear-cutting of boreal stream-side forests
M Dynesius, K Hylander
Biological Conservation 135 (3), 423-434, 2007
Uprooting in boreal spruce forests: long-term variation in disturbance rate
BG Jonsson, M Dynesius
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 23 (11), 2383-2388, 1993
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