Anders Eriksson
Anders Eriksson
Professor emeritus of Phonetics, Stockholm University
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Acoustic effects of variation in vocal effort by men, women, and children
H Traunmüller, A Eriksson
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 107 (6), 3438–3451, 2000
The frequency range of the voice fundamental in the speech of male and female adults
H Traunmüller, A Eriksson
How flexible is the human voice – A case study of mimicry
A Eriksson, P Wretling
Proc. Eurospeech 1997 2 (43.20), 1043–1046, 1997
The perceptual evaluation of F0 excursions in speech as evidenced in liveliness estimations
H Traunmüller, A Eriksson
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 97 (3), 1905–1915, 1995
Charlatanry in forensic speech science: A problem to be taken seriously
A Eriksson, F Lacerda
International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law 14 (2), 169–193, 2007
Aspects of Swedish speech rhythm
A Eriksson
Dept. of Linguistics, University of Gothenburg, 1991
Perception of vocal effort and distance from the speaker on the basis of vowel utterances
A Eriksson, H Traunmüller
Perception & Psychophysics 64 (1), 131–139, 2002
The disguised voice: imitating accents or speech styles and impersonating individuals
A Eriksson
Language and Identities. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 86-96, 2010
Syllable prominence: a matter of vocal effort, phonetic distinctness and top-down processing.
A Eriksson, GC Thunberg, H Traunmüller
EuroSpeech 2001, 399–402, 2001
Robustness of long time measures of fundamental frequency.
J Lindh, A Eriksson
INTERSPEECH 2007, 2025–2028, 2007
Perception of syllable prominence by listeners with and without competence in the tested language
A Eriksson, E Grabe, H Traunmüller
Speech Prosody 2002, 275–278, 2002
Aural/Acoustic vs. Automatic Methods in Forensic Phonetic Case Work
A Eriksson
Forensic Speaker Recognition: Law Enforcement and Counter-Terrorism, 41–69, 2012
Tutorial on forensic speech science
A Eriksson
Proc. European Conf. Speech Communication and Technology, 1-14, 2005
Phonetics and phonology of the Swedish dialects-a project presentation and a database demonstrator
G Bruce, CC Elert, O Engstrand, A Eriksson
Proceedings ICPhS, 1999, 321–324, 1999
Enhancing Adults' and Children’s Earwitness Memory: Examining Three Types of Interviews
L Öhman, A Eriksson, PA Granhag
Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 20 (2), 216–229, 2013
The acoustics of word stress in English as a function of stress level and speaking style
A Eriksson, Heldner, Mattias
Proceedings of Interspeech 2015, 41–45, 2015
Mobile phone quality vs. direct quality: How the presentation format affects earwitness identification accuracy
L Öhman, A Eriksson, PA Granhag
The European journal of psychology applied to legal context 2 (2), 161–182, 2010
Overhearing the planning of a crime: Do adults outperform children as earwitnesses?
L Öhman, A Eriksson, PA Granhag
Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology 26 (2), 118–127, 2011
Angry Voices from the Past and Present: Effects on Adults' and Children's Earwitness Memory
L Öhman, A Eriksson, PA Granhag
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling 10 (1), 57–70, 2013
The Acoustics of Word Stress in Swedish: A Function of Stress Level, Speaking Style and Word Accent
A Eriksson, PA Barbosa, J Åkesson
Proceedings of Interspeech 2013, 778–782, 2013
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Articles 1–20