Steven Casper
Steven Casper
Professor of Management, Keck Graduate Institute
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Cited by
How do technology clusters emerge and become sustainable?: social network formation and inter-firm mobility within the San Diego biotechnology cluster
S Casper
Research Policy 36 (4), 438-455, 2007
Managing competences in entrepreneurial technology firms: a comparative institutional analysis of Germany, Sweden and the UK
S Casper, R Whitley
Research Policy 33 (1), 89-106, 2004
Institutional adaptiveness, technology policy, and the diffusion of new business models: The case of German biotechnology
S Casper
Organization Studies 21 (5), 887-914, 2000
Can high-technology industries prosper in Germany? Institutional frameworks and the evolution of the German software and biotechnology industries
S Casper, M Lehrer, D Soskice
Industry and Innovation 6 (1), 5-24, 1999
Creating Silicon Valley in Europe: Public policy towards new technology industries
S Casper
Oxford University Press, 2007
National institutional frameworks and the hybridization of entrepreneurial business models: the German and UK biotechnology sectors
S Casper, H Kettler
Industry and Innovation 8 (1), 5-30, 2001
The spill-over theory reversed: The impact of regional economies on the commercialization of university science
S Casper
Research Policy 42 (8), 1313-1324, 2013
Institutional frameworks and innovation in the German and UK pharmaceutical industry
S Casper, C Matraves
Research Policy 32 (10), 1865-1879, 2003
Careers and clusters: analyzing the career network dynamic of biotechnology clusters
S Casper, F Murray
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 22 (1-2), 51-74, 2005
Global quality norms within national production regimes: ISO 9000 standards in the French and German car industries
S Casper, B Hanckj
Organization studies 20 (6), 961-985, 1999
The legal framework for corporate governance: the influence of contract law on company strategies in Germany and the United States
S Casper
Varieties of capitalism: The institutional foundations of comparative …, 2001
Innovation and institutions: A multidisciplinary review of the study of innovation systems
S Casper, F van Waarden
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2005
Commercializing science in Europe: the Cambridge biotechnology cluster
S Casper, A Karamanos
European Planning Studies 11 (7), 805-822, 2003
Bringing Asia into the comparative capitalism perspective
C Storz, B Amable, S Casper, S Lechevalier
Socio-Economic Review 11 (2), 217-232, 2013
Corporate Governance in large British and German companies: Comparative institutional advantage or competing for best practice
S Vitols, Anglo-German Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society
Anglo-German Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society, 1997
Sectoral systems of innovation and varieties of capitalism: explaining the development of high-technology entrepreneurship in Europe
S Casper, D Soskice
Sectoral systems of innovation, 348-87, 2004
The German model in the 1990s: problems and prospects
S Casper, S Vitols
Industry and Innovation 4 (1), 1-13, 1997
National institutional frameworks and high-technology innovation in Germany: the case of biotechnology
S Casper
Can new technology firms succeed in coordinated market economies? A response to Herrmann and Lange
S Casper
Socio-Economic Review 7 (2), 209-215, 2009
Economic organization, innovation systems, and the Internet
S Casper, H Glimstedt
Oxford Review of Economic Policy 17 (2), 265-281, 2001
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Articles 1–20