Georgios M. Saridis
Georgios M. Saridis
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), University of Bristol, Semtech
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Cited by
Survey and evaluation of space division multiplexing: From technologies to optical networks
GM Saridis, D Alexandropoulos, G Zervas, D Simeonidou
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 17 (4), 2136-2156, 2015
High capacity transmission systems using homogeneous multi-core fibers
BJ Puttnam, RS Luís, E Agrell, G Rademacher, J Sakaguchi, W Klaus, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 35 (6), 1157-1167, 2017
Lightness: A function-virtualizable software defined data center network with all-optical circuit/packet switching
GM Saridis, S Peng, Y Yan, A Aguado, B Guo, M Arslan, C Jackson, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 34 (7), 1618-1627, 2015
Archon: A function programmable optical interconnect architecture for transparent intra and inter data center SDM/TDM/WDM networking
S Yan, E Hugues-Salas, VJF Rancaňo, Y Shu, GM Saridis, BR Rofoee, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 33 (8), 1586-1595, 2015
All-optical programmable disaggregated data centre network realized by FPGA-based switch and interface card
Y Yan, GM Saridis, Y Shu, BR Rofoee, S Yan, M Arslan, T Bradley, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 34 (8), 1925-1932, 2016
First international SDN-based network orchestration of variable-capacity OPS over programmable flexi-grid EON
Y Yoshida, A Maruta, K Kitayama, M Nishihara, T Tanaka, T Takahara, ...
OFC 2014, 1-3, 2014
Flexible and synthetic SDM networks with multi-core-fibers implemented by programmable ROADMs
A Muhammad, G Zervas, G Saridis, EH Salas, D Simeonidou, ...
2014 The European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), 1-3, 2014
Experimental demonstration of a flexible filterless and bidirectional SDM optical metro/inter-DC network
GM Saridis, BJ Puttnam, RS Luis, W Klaus, T Miyazawa, Y Awaji, ...
ECOC 2016; 42nd European Conference on Optical Communication, 1-3, 2016
DORIOS: Demonstration of an all-optical distributed CPU, memory, storage intra DCN interconnect
GM Saridis, E Hugues-Salas, Y Yan, S Yan, S Poole, G Zervas, ...
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, W1D. 2, 2015
First demonstration of all-optical programmable SDM/TDM intra data centre and WDM inter-DCN communication
S Yan, E Hugues-Salas, VJF Rancano, Y Shu, G Saridis, BR Rofoee, ...
2014 The European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), 1-3, 2014
EVROS: All-optical programmable disaggregated data centre interconnect utilizing hollow-core bandgap fibre
GM Saridis, Y Yan, Y Shu, S Yan, M Arslan, T Bradley, NV Wheeler, ...
2015 European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), 1-3, 2015
FPGA-based optical programmable switch and interface card for disaggregated OPS/OCS data centre networks
Y Yan, Y Shu, GM Saridis, BR Rofoee, G Zervas, D Simeonidou
2015 European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), 1-3, 2015
Dynamic skew measurements in 7, 19 and 22-core multi core fibers
GM Saridis, BJ Puttnam, RS Luís, W Klaus, Y Awaji, G Zervas, ...
2016 21st OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) held jointly …, 2016
Z Yan, G Zhang, Y Liu, W Ye, H Lai
Z., Zhang, G., Liu, Y., Ye, W., & Lai, H.(2022). Efficacy and Safety …, 2022
LIGHTNESS: A deeply-programmable SDN-enabled data centre network with OCS/OPS multicast/unicast switch-over
GM Saridis, S Peng, Y Yan, A Aguado, B Guo, M Arslan, C Jackson, ...
2015 European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), 1-3, 2015
Demonstration of bandwidth maximization between flexi/fixed grid optical networks with real-time BVTs
S Yan, E Hugues-Salas, A Hammad, Y Yan, G Saridis, S Bidkar, ...
ECOC 2016; 42nd European Conference on Optical Communication, 1-3, 2016
Lightness: All-optical SDN-enabled intra-DCN with optical circuit and packet switching
GM Saridis, A Aguado, Y Yan, W Miao, N Calabretta, G Zervas, ...
Optical Switching in Next Generation Data Centers, 147-165, 2018
Monolithic InP-based fast optical switch module for optical networks of the future
X Chen, J Regan, T Durrant, Y Shu, G Saridis, G Zervas, D Simeonidou, ...
Photonics in Switching (PS), 2015 International Conference on, 294, 2015
Rahimzadeh Rofoee, B.,... Simeonidou, D.(2014). First Demonstration of All-Optical Programmable SDM/TDM Intra Data Centre and WDM Inter-DCN Communication. In ECOC 2014 [PD 1.2 …
SY Yan, E Hugues Salas, VJF Rancao, Y Shu, G Saridis
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Articles 1–19