Melissa Martin
Melissa Martin
Associate Professor of Accounting, University of Illinois - Chicago
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Cited by
Compensation in the post‐FIN 48 period: The case of contracting on tax performance and uncertainty
JL Brown, KD Drake, MA Martin
Contemporary Accounting Research 33 (1), 121-151, 2016
Pay-for-performance, sometimes: An interdisciplinary approach to integrating economic rationality with psychological emotion to predict individual performance
MA Maltarich, AJ Nyberg, G Reilly, DD Abdulsalam, M Martin
Academy of Management Journal 60 (6), 2155-2174, 2017
The effect of measurement timing on the information content of customer satisfaction measures
CX Chen, M Martin, KA Merchant
Management accounting research 25 (3), 187-205, 2014
An evolutionary approach to management control systems research: A prescription for future research
MA Martin
Accounting, Organizations and Society 86, 101186, 2020
Implementing relative performance evaluation: The role of life cycle peers
KD Drake, MA Martin
Journal of Management Accounting Research 32 (2), 107-135, 2020
Individualized pay-for-performance arrangements: Peer reactions and consequences.
D Abdulsalam, MA Maltarich, AJ Nyberg, G Reilly, M Martin
Journal of Applied Psychology 106 (8), 1202, 2021
The effect of horizontal pay dispersion on the effectiveness of performance-based incentives
I Grabner, MA Martin
Accounting, organizations and society 88, 101174, 2021
The association between activity-based costing system adoption and hospital performance
AS McGowan, SA Holmes, M Martin
AAA, 2007
Board committee overlap and the use of earnings in CEO compensation contracts
ME Carter, LJ Lynch, MA Martin
Management Science 68 (8), 6268-6297, 2022
Executive compensation: A firm life cycle analysis
KD Drake
SSRN, 2020
Are earnings forecasts informed by proxy statement compensation disclosures?
SA Larocque, MA Martin, BR Walther
Contemporary Accounting Research 37 (2), 741-772, 2020
Investigating discretion in executive contracting: extracting private information from valuation allowance decisions
KD Drake, E Engel, MA Martin
Review of Accounting Studies 28 (2), 533-569, 2023
Managerial incentives, disclosure, and disclosure substitution: evidence from relative performance evaluation
M Martin, O Timmermans
Disclosure, and Disclosure Substitution: Evidence from Relative Performance …, 2021
The Weight on Earnings in Incentive Contracting: Dynamic Response or Status Quo?
KD Drake, M Martin
Available at SSRN 3796180, 2021
Technical Matters: Customer satisfaction (Which Customer Satisfaction Measures Best Predict Future Success (or Failure?))
KA Merchant, M Martin, X Chen
Financial Management 2009 (May), 34-35, 2009
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Articles 1–15