Elio Ventocilla, Ph.D
Elio Ventocilla, Ph.D
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Cited by
A comparative user study of visualization techniques for cluster analysis of multidimensional data sets
E Ventocilla, M Riveiro
Information visualization 19 (4), 318-338, 2020
Evaluating multi-attributes on cause and effect relationship visualization
J Bae, E Ventocilla, M Riveiro, T Helldin, G Falkman
International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and …, 2017
Towards a taxonomy for interpretable and interactive machine learning
E Ventocilla, T Helldin, M Riveiro, J Bae, V Boeva, G Falkman, ...
2nd Workshop on Explainable AI (XAI-18), 27th International Joint …, 2018
Scaling the growing neural gas for visual cluster analysis
E Ventocilla, RM Martins, F Paulovich, M Riveiro
Big Data Research 26, 100254, 2021
Visual analytics solutions as ‘off-the-shelf’libraries
E Ventocilla, M Riveiro
2017 21st International Conference Information Visualisation (IV), 281-287, 2017
Visual growing neural gas for exploratory data analysis
E Ventocilla, M Riveiro
14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer …, 2019
A model for the progressive visualization of multidimensional data structure
E Ventocilla, M Riveiro
Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications: 14th …, 2020
A Billiard Metaphor for Exploring Complex Graphs.
E Ventocilla, J Bae, M Riveiro, A Said
SCST@ CHIIR, 36-39, 2017
Swarm-based area exploration and coverage based on pheromones and bird flocks
E Ventocilla
Big data programming with Apache spark
E Ventocilla
Data science in practice, 171-194, 2019
Progressive multidimensional projections: a process model based on vector quantization
E Ventocilla, RM Martins, F Paulovich, M Riveiro
MLVis 2020, International Workshop on Machine Learning in Visualisation for …, 2020
Visualizing Cluster Patterns at Scale: A Model and a Library
E Ventocilla
University of Skövde, 2021
Visualizing and Explaining Cluster Patterns: A Framework for the Exploratory Analysis of Large Multidimensional Datasets
E Ventocilla
University of Skövde, 2019
On the Visualization of Discrete Non-additive Measures
J Bae, E Ventocilla, M Riveiro, V Torra
Aggregation Functions in Theory and in Practice, 200-210, 2018
On Making Machine Learning Accessible for Exploratory Data Analysis Through Visual Analytics
E Ventocilla
A Process Model based on Vector Quantization
E Ventocilla, RM Martins, F Paulovich, M Riveiro
Technical Program Committee of CBDCom 2020
Y Atif, N Ståhl, E Ventocilla, M Riveiro, B Medjahed, R Abdelmounaam, ...
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Articles 1–17