Lena Lindahl
Lena Lindahl
Associate Professor of Economics, Swedish Institute for Social Research, Stockholm University
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Adolescent time preferences predict lifetime outcomes
BHH Golsteyn, H Grönqvist, L Lindahl
The Economic Journal 124 (580), F739-F761, 2014
Do birth order and family size matter for intergenerational income mobility? Evidence from Sweden
L Lindahl
What more than parental income, education and occupation? An exploration of what Swedish siblings get from their parents
A Björklund, L Lindahl, MJ Lindquist
The BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 10 (1), 2010
Time discounting and criminal behavior
D Åkerlund, BHH Golsteyn, H Grönqvist, L Lindahl
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (22), 6160-6165, 2016
A comparison of family and neighborhood effects on grades, test scores, educational attainment and income—evidence from Sweden
L Lindahl
The Journal of Economic Inequality 9, 207-226, 2011
Youth unemployment and inactivity: A comparison of school-to-work transitions and labour market outcomes in four Nordic countries
K Albæk
Nordic Council of Ministers, 2015
Trends in life expectancy by income and the role of specific causes of death
K Hederos, M Jäntti, L Lindahl, J Torssander
Economica 85 (339), 606-625, 2018
Gender and inequality of opportunity in Sweden
K Hederos, M Jäntti, L Lindahl
Social Choice and Welfare 49, 605-635, 2017
Labour income, social transfers and child poverty
B Bradbury, M Jäntti, L Lindahl
Social Indicators Research 143 (1), 251-276, 2019
Time preferences and criminal behavior
D Åkerlund, BHH Golsteyn, H Grönqvist, L Lindahl
IZA Discussion Papers, 2014
Better late than never? How late completion affects the early careers of dropouts
K Albæk, R Asplund, E Barth, L Lindahl, M Strom, P Vanhala
IZA Discussion Papers, 2019
Intergenerational ethical issues and communication related to high-level nuclear waste repositories
M Tondel, L Lindahl
Current Environmental Health Reports 6, 338-343, 2019
Ethical issues related to the promotion of a “100 mSv Threshold Assumption” in Japan after the Fukushima Nuclear Accident in 2011: background and consequences
T Tsuda, L Lindahl, A Tokinobu
Current environmental health reports 4, 119-129, 2017
Ungdomsarbeidsløshet i Norden
K Albæk, R Asplund, E Barth, L Lindahl, K Simson
Søkelys på arbeidslivet 32 (1-2), 78-90, 2015
On the variability of income within and across generations
M Jäntti, L Lindahl
Economics Letters 117 (1), 165-167, 2012
What more than parental income? An exploration of what Swedish siblings get from their parents
A Björklund, L Lindahl, MJ Lindquist
IZA Discussion Papers, 2008
Den gymnasiala yrkesutbildningen och inträdet på arbetsmarknaden
L Lindahl
Vägen till arbete–arbetsmarknadspolitik, utbildning och …, 2011
Trends in life expectancy by income and the role of specific causes of death
K Eriksson, M Jäntti, L Lindahl, J Torssander
Swedish Institute for Social Research, 2014
Bedre sent enn aldri? Hvordan sen fullføring av videregående skole påvirker tidlig karriere
K Albæk, R Asplund, E Barth, L Lindahl, M Strøm, P Vanhala
Søkelys på arbeidslivet 37 (1-2), 124-141, 2020
Does the childhood environment matter for school performance, education and income?-Evidence from a Stockholm cohort
L Lindahl
J Econ Inequal 9 (2), 207-226, 2011
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