Xiaojing Hao
Xiaojing Hao
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Solar cell efficiency tables (Version 60)
MA Green, ED Dunlop, J Hohl‐Ebinger, M Yoshita, N Kopidakis, K Bothe, ...
Progress in photovoltaics: research and applications 30 (7), 687-701, 2022
Cu2ZnSnS4 solar cells with over 10% power conversion efficiency enabled by heterojunction heat treatment
C Yan, J Huang, K Sun, S Johnston, Y Zhang, H Sun, A Pu, M He, F Liu, ...
Nature energy 3 (9), 764-772, 2018
Silicon quantum dot nanostructures for tandem photovoltaic cells
G Conibeer, M Green, EC Cho, D König, YH Cho, T Fangsuwannarak, ...
Thin Solid Films 516 (20), 6748-6756, 2008
Hydrothermal deposition of antimony selenosulfide thin films enables solar cells with 10% efficiency
R Tang, X Wang, W Lian, J Huang, Q Wei, M Huang, Y Yin, C Jiang, ...
Nature Energy 5 (8), 587-595, 2020
Over 9% Efficient Kesterite Cu2ZnSnS4 Solar Cell Fabricated by Using Zn1–xCdxS Buffer Layer
K Sun, C Yan, F Liu, J Huang, F Zhou, JA Stride, M Green, X Hao
Advanced Energy Materials 6 (12), 1600046, 2016
Silicon quantum dot/crystalline silicon solar cells
EC Cho, S Park, X Hao, D Song, G Conibeer, SC Park, MA Green
Nanotechnology 19 (24), 245201, 2008
The current status and future prospects of kesterite solar cells: a brief review
X Liu, Y Feng, H Cui, F Liu, X Hao, G Conibeer, DB Mitzi, M Green
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 24 (6), 879-898, 2016
Beyond 11% Efficient Sulfide Kesterite Cu2ZnxCd1–xSnS4 Solar Cell: Effects of Cadmium Alloying
C Yan, K Sun, J Huang, S Johnston, F Liu, BP Veettil, K Sun, A Pu, F Zhou, ...
ACS Energy Letters 2 (4), 930-936, 2017
Fabrication of Cu 2 ZnSnS 4 solar cells with 5.1% efficiency via thermal decomposition and reaction using a non-toxic sol–gel route
Z Su, K Sun, Z Han, H Cui, F Liu, Y Lai, J Li, X Hao, Y Liu, MA Green
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2 (2), 500-509, 2014
Methylammonium lead bromide perovskite-based solar cells by vapor-assisted deposition
R Sheng, A Ho-Baillie, S Huang, S Chen, X Wen, X Hao, MA Green
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (7), 3545-3549, 2015
Device Postannealing Enabling over 12% Efficient Solution‐Processed Cu2ZnSnS4 Solar Cells with Cd2+ Substitution
Z Su, G Liang, P Fan, J Luo, Z Zheng, Z Xie, W Wang, S Chen, J Hu, ...
Advanced Materials 32 (32), 2000121, 2020
Exploring inorganic binary alkaline halide to passivate defects in low‐temperature‐processed planar‐structure hybrid perovskite solar cells
X Liu, Y Zhang, L Shi, Z Liu, J Huang, JS Yun, Y Zeng, A Pu, K Sun, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 8 (20), 1800138, 2018
Solar cell efficiency tables (Version 64)
MA Green, ED Dunlop, M Yoshita, N Kopidakis, K Bothe, G Siefer, ...
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 32 (7), 425-441, 2024
Accelerated lifetime testing of organic–inorganic perovskite solar cells encapsulated by polyisobutylene
L Shi, TL Young, J Kim, Y Sheng, L Wang, Y Chen, Z Feng, MJ Keevers, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 9 (30), 25073-25081, 2017
Band alignments of different buffer layers (CdS, Zn (O, S), and In2S3) on Cu2ZnSnS4
C Yan, F Liu, N Song, BK Ng, JA Stride, A Tadich, X Hao
Applied Physics Letters 104 (17), 2014
Defect Control for 12.5% Efficiency Cu2ZnSnSe4 Kesterite Thin‐Film Solar Cells by Engineering of Local Chemical Environment
J Li, Y Huang, J Huang, G Liang, Y Zhang, G Rey, F Guo, Z Su, H Zhu, ...
Advanced materials 32 (52), 2005268, 2020
Enhancing the Cu2ZnSnS4 solar cell efficiency by back contact modification: Inserting a thin TiB2 intermediate layer at Cu2ZnSnS4/Mo interface
F Liu, K Sun, W Li, C Yan, H Cui, L Jiang, X Hao, MA Green
Applied Physics Letters 104 (5), 2014
Integrated photorechargeable energy storage system: next‐generation power source driving the future
Q Zeng, Y Lai, L Jiang, F Liu, X Hao, L Wang, MA Green
Advanced Energy Materials 10 (14), 1903930, 2020
Quasiepitaxy Strategy for Efficient Full‐Inorganic Sb2S3 Solar Cells
H Deng, Y Zeng, M Ishaq, S Yuan, H Zhang, X Yang, M Hou, U Farooq, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 29 (31), 1901720, 2019
Silicon quantum dots in a dielectric matrix for all‐silicon tandem solar cells
EC Cho, MA Green, G Conibeer, D Song, YH Cho, G Scardera, S Huang, ...
Advances in OptoElectronics 2007 (1), 069578, 2007
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Articles 1–20