Tomasz Zok
Tomasz Zok
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New functionality of RNAComposer: an application to shape the axis of miR160 precursor structure
M Antczak, M Popenda, T Zok, J Sarzynska, T Ratajczak, K Tomczyk, ...
Acta Biochimica Polonica 63 (4), 737-744, 2016
RNA-Puzzles Round III: 3D RNA structure prediction of five riboswitches and one ribozyme
Z Miao, RW Adamiak, M Antczak, RT Batey, AJ Becka, M Biesiada, ...
Rna 23 (5), 655-672, 2017
RNA-Puzzles Round II: assessment of RNA structure prediction programs applied to three large RNA structures
Z Miao, RW Adamiak, MF Blanchet, M Boniecki, JM Bujnicki, SJ Chen, ...
Rna 21 (6), 1066-1084, 2015
RNA-Puzzles Round IV: 3D structure predictions of four ribozymes and two aptamers
Z Miao, RW Adamiak, M Antczak, MJ Boniecki, J Bujnicki, SJ Chen, ...
Rna 26 (8), 982-995, 2020
RNApdbee 2.0: multifunctional tool for RNA structure annotation
T Zok, M Antczak, M Zurkowski, M Popenda, J Blazewicz, RW Adamiak, ...
Nucleic acids research 46 (W1), W30-W35, 2018
The European Integrated Tokamak Modelling (ITM) effort: achievements and first physics results
GL Falchetto, D Coster, R Coelho, BD Scott, L Figini, D Kalupin, E Nardon, ...
Nuclear Fusion 54 (4), 043018, 2014
RNApdbee—a webserver to derive secondary structures from pdb files of knotted and unknotted RNAs
M Antczak, T Zok, M Popenda, P Lukasiak, RW Adamiak, J Blazewicz, ...
Nucleic acids research 42 (W1), W368-W372, 2014
RNA-Puzzles toolkit: a computational resource of RNA 3D structure benchmark datasets, structure manipulation, and evaluation tools
M Magnus, M Antczak, T Zok, J Wiedemann, P Lukasiak, Y Cao, ...
Nucleic acids research 48 (2), 576-588, 2020
INDIGO-DataCloud: A platform to facilitate seamless access to e-infrastructures
D Salomoni, I Campos, L Gaido, JM de Lucas, P Solagna, J Gomes, ...
Journal of Grid Computing 16, 381-408, 2018
When will RNA get its AlphaFold moment?
B Schneider, BA Sweeney, A Bateman, J Cerny, T Zok, M Szachniuk
Nucleic Acids Research 51 (18), 9522-9532, 2023
New algorithms to represent complex pseudoknotted RNA structures in dot-bracket notation
M Antczak, M Popenda, T Zok, M Zurkowski, RW Adamiak, M Szachniuk
Bioinformatics 34 (8), 1304-1312, 2018
MCQ4Structures to compute similarity of molecule structures
T Zok, M Popenda, M Szachniuk
Central European Journal of Operations Research 22, 457-473, 2014
New in silico approach to assessing RNA secondary structures with non-canonical base pairs
A Rybarczyk, N Szostak, M Antczak, T Zok, M Popenda, R Adamiak, ...
BMC bioinformatics 16, 1-12, 2015
New prediction categories in CASP15
A Kryshtafovych, M Antczak, M Szachniuk, T Zok, RC Kretsch, R Rangan, ...
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 91 (12), 1550-1557, 2023
Topology-based classification of tetrads and quadruplex structures
M Popenda, J Miskiewicz, J Sarzynska, T Zok, M Szachniuk
Bioinformatics 36 (4), 1129-1134, 2020
ONQUADRO: a database of experimentally determined quadruplex structures
T Zok, N Kraszewska, J Miskiewicz, P Pielacinska, M Zurkowski, ...
Nucleic Acids Research 50 (D1), D253-D258, 2022
Approaches to distributed execution of scientific workflows in kepler
M Płóciennik, T Żok, I Altintas, J Wang, D Crawl, D Abramson, F Imbeaux, ...
Fundamenta Informaticae 128 (3), 281-302, 2013
Entanglements of structure elements revealed in RNA 3D models
M Popenda, T Zok, J Sarzynska, A Korpeta, RW Adamiak, M Antczak, ...
Nucleic acids research 49 (17), 9625-9632, 2021
RNAvista: a webserver to assess RNA secondary structures with non-canonical base pairs
M Antczak, M Zablocki, T Zok, A Rybarczyk, J Blazewicz, M Szachniuk
Bioinformatics 35 (1), 152-155, 2019
Computational pipeline for reference-free comparative analysis of RNA 3D structures applied to SARS-CoV-2 UTR models
J Gumna, M Antczak, RW Adamiak, JM Bujnicki, SJ Chen, F Ding, ...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (17), 9630, 2022
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